DDL Form Screenlet for iOS


  • Xcode 9.3 or above
  • iOS 11 SDK
  • Liferay Portal 6.2 CE/EE, Liferay CE Portal 7.0/7.1, Liferay DXP 7.0+
  • Liferay Screens Compatibility app (CE or EE/DXP). This app is preinstalled in Liferay CE Portal 7.0/7.1 and Liferay DXP 7.0+.


  • iOS 9 and above

Xamarin Requirements

  • Visual Studio 7.2
  • Mono .NET framework


DDL Form Screenlet can be used to show a collection of fields so that a user can fill in their values. Initial or existing values may be shown in the fields. Fields of the following data types are supported:

  • Boolean: A two state value typically shown using a checkbox.
  • Date: A formatted date value. The format depends on the device’s locale.
  • Decimal, Integer, and Number: A numeric value.
  • Document and Media: A file stored on the current device. It can be uploaded to a specific portal repository.
  • Radio: A set of options to choose from. A single option must be chosen.
  • Select: A selection box of options to choose from. A single option must be chosen.
  • Text: A single line of text.
  • Text Box: Supports multiple lines of text.

DDL Form Screenlet also supports the following features:

  • Stored records can support a specific workflow.
  • A Submit button can be shown at the end of the form.
  • Required values and validation for fields can be used.
  • Users can traverse the form fields from the keyboard.
  • Supports i18n in record values and labels.

There are also a few limitations you should be aware of when using DDL Form Screenlet. They are listed here:

  • Nested fields in the data definition aren’t supported.
  • Selection of multiple items in the Radio and Select data types isn’t supported yet.

JSON Services Used

Screenlets in Liferay Screens call JSON web services in the portal. This Screenlet calls the following services and methods.

DDMStructureServicegetStructureWithStructureIdLoad form
ScreensddlrecordService (Screens compatibility plugin)getDdlRecordLoad record
DLAppServiceaddFileEntryUpload document
DDLRecordServiceaddRecordSubmit form
DDLRecordServiceupdateRecordUpdate form


  • DDL


  • Default

The Default Theme uses a standard UITableView to show a scrollable list of fields. Other Themes may use a different component, such as UICollectionView or others, to show the fields.

Figure 1: DDL Form Screenlet using the Default (default) Theme.

Figure 1: DDL Form Screenlet using the Default (`default`) Theme.

Custom Cells

A Theme needs to define a cell view for each field type. For instance, the xib file DDLFieldDateTableCell_default is used to render Date fields in the Default Theme.

If you want a specific field to have a unique appearance, you can customize your field’s display by using the following filename pattern, where XXX is your field’s name: DDLCustomFieldXXXTableCell_default. For example, the “Are you a subscriber?” field in screenshot above shows how text fields appear in the Default Theme. If you want to customize this, you don’t need to create an entire Theme. You just need to create an xib file for the field subscriberName. The filename is therefore DDLCustomFieldSubscriberNameTableCell_default. Be careful to keep the same components and IBOutlet defined in the custom file.

Portal Configuration

Before using DDL Form Screenlet, you should make sure that Dynamic Data Lists and Data Types are configured properly in the portal. Refer to the Creating Data Definitions and Creating Data Lists sections of the User Guide for more details. If Workflow is required, it must also be configured. See the Using Workflow section of the User Guide for details.


To use DDL Form Screenlet to add new records, you must grant the Add Record permission in the Dynamic Data List in the portal. If you want to use DDL Form Screenlet to view or edit record values, you must also grant the View and Update permissions, respectively. The Add Record, View, and Update permissions are highlighted by the red boxes in the following screenshot:

Figure 2: The permissions for adding, viewing, and editing DDL records.

Figure 2: The permissions for adding, viewing, and editing DDL records.

Also, if your form includes at least one Documents and Media field, you must grant permissions in the target repository and folder. For more details, see the repositoryId and folderId attributes below.

Figure 3: The permission for adding a document to a Documents and Media folder.

Figure 3: The permission for adding a document to a Documents and Media folder.

For more details, please see the User Guide sections Creating Data Definitions, Creating Data Lists, and Using Workflow.


This Screenlet supports offline mode so it can function without a network connection. For more information on how offline mode works, see the tutorial on its architecture.

When loading the form or record, the Screenlet supports the following offline mode policies:

PolicyWhat happensWhen to use
remote-onlyThe Screenlet loads the form or record from the portal. If a connection issue occurs, the Screenlet uses the delegate to notify the developer about the error. If the Screenlet loads the form or record, it stores the received data (record structure and data) in the local cache for later use.Use this policy when you always need to show updated data, and show nothing when there’s no connection.
cache-onlyThe Screenlet loads the form or record from the local cache. If the form or record isn’t there, the Screenlet uses the delegate to notify the developer about the error.Use this policy when you always need to show local data, without retrieving remote information under any circumstance.
remote-firstThe Screenlet requests the form or record from the portal. The Screenlet shows the record or form to the user and stores it in the local cache for later use. If a connection issue occurs, the Screenlet retrieves the form or record from the local cache. If the form or record doesn’t exist there, the Screenlet uses the delegate to notify the developer about the error.Use this policy to show the most recent version of the data when connected, but show an outdated version when there’s no connection.
cache-firstIf the form or record exists in the local cache, the Screenlet loads it from there. If it doesn’t exist there, the Screenlet requests it from the portal and notifies the developer about any errors that occur (including connectivity errors).Use this policy to save bandwidth and loading time in case you have local (but probably outdated) data.

When editing the record, the Screenlet supports the following offline mode policies:

PolicyWhat happensWhen to use
remote-onlyThe Screenlet sends the record to the portal. If a connection issue occurs, the Screenlet uses the delegate to notify the developer about the error, but it also discards the record.Use this policy to make sure the portal always has the most recent version of the record.
cache-onlyThe Screenlet stores the record in the local cache.Use this policy when you need to save the data locally, but don’t want to update the data in the portal (update or add record).
remote-firstThe Screenlet sends the record to the portal. If this succeeds, it also stores the record in the local cache for later usage. If a connection issue occurs, then Screenlet stores the record in the local cache with the dirty flag enabled. This causes the synchronization process to send the record to the portal when it runs.Use this policy when you need to make sure the Screenlet sends the record to the portal as soon as the connection is restored.
cache-firstThe Screenlet stores the record in the local cache and then sends it to the remote portal. If a connection issue occurs, then Screenlet stores the record in the local cache with the dirty flag enabled. This causes the the synchronization process to send the record to the portal when it runs.Use this policy when you need to make sure the Screenlet sends the record to the portal as soon as the connection is restored. Compared to remote-first, this policy always stores the record in the cache. The remote-first policy only stores the record in the event of a network error.

Required Attributes

  • structureId
  • recordSetId


AttributeData TypeExplanation
structureIdnumberThis is the identifier of a data definition for your site in Liferay. To find the identifiers for your data definitions, click Admin from the Dockbar and select Content. Then click Dynamic Data Lists and click the Manage Data Definitions button. The identifier of each data definition is in the ID column of the table that appears.
groupIdnumberThe site (group) identifier where the record is stored. If this value is 0, the groupId specified in LiferayServerContext is used.
recordSetIdnumberThe identifier of a dynamic data list. To find the identifiers for your dynamic data lists, click Admin from the Dockbar and select Content. Then click Dynamic Data Lists. The identifier of each dynamic data list is in the ID column of the table that appears.
recordIdnumberThe identifier of the record you want to show. Setting the editable attribute to true allows editing of the record’s values. The recordId can be obtained from other methods or delegates.
repositoryIdnumberThe identifier of the Documents and Media repository to upload to. If this value is 0, the default repository for the site specified in groupId is used.
folderIdnumberThe identifier of the folder where Documents and Media files are uploaded. If this value is 0, the root folder is used.
filePrefixstringThe prefix to attach to the names of files uploaded to a Documents and Media repository. A random GUID string is appended following the prefix.
autoLoadbooleanSets whether or not the form is loaded when the Screenlet is shown. If recordId is set, the record value is loaded together with the form definition.
autoscrollOnValidationbooleanSets whether or not the form automatically scrolls to the first failed field when validation is used.
showSubmitButtonbooleanSets whether or not the form shows a submit button at the bottom. If this is set to false, you should call the submitForm() method.
editablebooleanSets whether the values can be changed by the user. The default is true.


MethodReturn TypeExplanation
loadForm()booleanStarts the request to load the form definition. The form fields are shown when the response is received. This method returns true if the request is sent.
loadRecord()booleanStarts the request to load the record specified in recordId. If needed, the form definition is also loaded. The form fields are shown filled with record values when the response is received. This method returns true if the request is sent.
submitForm()booleanStarts the request to submit form values to the dynamic data list specified in recordSetId. All fields are validated prior to submission. Validation errors stop the submit process.


DDL Form Screenlet delegates some events to an object that conforms with the DDLFormScreenletDelegate protocol. This protocol lets you implement the following methods:

  • - screenlet:onFormLoaded:: Called when the form is loaded. The second parameter (record) contains only field definitions.

  • - screenlet:onFormLoadError:: Called when an error occurs while loading the form. The NSError object describes the error.

  • - screenlet:onRecordLoaded:: Called when a form with values loads. The second parameter (record) contains field definitions and values. The method onFormLoadResult is called before onRecordLoaded.

  • - screenlet:onRecordLoadError:: Called when an error occurs while loading a record. The NSError object describes the error.

  • - screenlet:onFormSubmitted:: Called when the form values are successfully submitted to the server.

  • - screenlet:onFormSubmitError:: Called when an error occurs while submitting the form. The NSError object describes the error.

  • - screenlet:onDocumentFieldUploadStarted:: Called when the upload of a Documents and Media field begins.

  • - screenlet:onDocumentField:uploadedBytes:totalBytes:: Called when a block of bytes in a Documents and Media field is uploaded. This method is intended to track progress of the uploads.

  • - screenlet:onDocumentField:uploadResult:: Called when a Documents and Media field upload is completed.

  • - screenlet:onDocumentField:uploadError:: Called when an error occurs in the Documents and Media upload process. The NSError object describes the error.

« User Portrait Screenlet for iOSDDL List Screenlet for iOS »
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