You can display Navigation Menus in different ways on your Site. You may want to configure different display styles for a main menu, sidebar, and footer menu all on one page.
The Navigation Menu Widget
The Navigation Menu widget lets you add navigation wherever you need it. You can place the widget on a page and then select a menu and style for the menu you are displaying.
Go to a Widget Page, open the Add menu on the right side of the page and add the Content Management → Navigation Menu to the page.
Open the Configuration menu.
From here you can configure three main categories:
The Navigation Menu to be displayed
The styling of the menu
What level of navigation to display
Figure 1: Configuring the Navigation Menu Widget.
Choosing a Navigation Menu
The Navigation Menu Widget has two ways to select a menu. You can choose to Select Navigation or Choose Menu.
Select Navigation: Select from the three main menu types: Primary Navigation, Secondary Navigation, and Social Navigation.
Choose Menu: Choose any menu that was created for that Site.
Once you select a menu, you must choose how to display it.
Display Template
The Display Template option lets you select an Application Display Template for Navigation Menus. There ten included by default:
List Menu: Displays all the items in a vertical list.
Pills Horizontal: Displays the items horizontally and uses a button style for highlighting.
Pills Justified: Like Pills Horizontal, but pads the items to fill out the horizontal space.
Pills Stacked: A vertical version of the pills style.
Tabs: Displays the items like navigation tabs.
Tabs Justified: Navigation tabs that fill horizontal space.
Bar Minimally Styled: A lightweight version of the default display that you see in the embedded menu on your page.
Bar Minimally Justified Styled: Like Bar Minimally Styled with horizontal padding.
Bar Default Styled: The default embedded menu.
Split Button Dropdowns: Displays each item as a button with a dropdown for multiple navigation levels.
You can also add your own custom templates.
Menu Items to Show
Menu Items to Show configures which pages at what level from the menu are displayed in the widget. You can choose the starting level, how many levels deep to display, and how to display sub-levels.
Start with Menu Items In: Choose to start at a specific level of the navigation or a level relative to the current level (above or below).
Sublevels to Display: Select the number of levels to display in the navigation, from 1 down to Infinite.
Expand Sublevels: Choose if hovering your mouse over the navigation reveals navigation levels one at a time automatically or reveal all the levels at once.
Now you can see how there are a variety of customizations and configurations available for navigation menus that you can implement for your Site.
Figure 2: Navigation menus give you many ways to help users navigate your Site.