Page Set Look and Feel

Page Set configuration starts with the Look and Feel tab. Here you have an interface for choosing a theme for the current Site.

Figure 1: The Look and Feel page set tab.

Figure 1: The Look and Feel page set tab.


Themes can transform the entire look of your Site. They are created by developers and are easily installed using Liferay Marketplace.

Figure 2: The Look and Feel interface allows you to choose a theme for the current site.

Figure 2: The Look and Feel interface allows you to choose a theme for the current site.

You can apply themes to the entire Site or to individual pages. For the Site, go to Pages → the Site (public or private), and click the Gear icon. For individual pages, click ConfigureDefine a specific look and feel for this page option under the page’s Look and Feel category. See the Themes and Layout Templates tutorials section for information on creating and developing your own custom themes.

Figure 3: You can define a specific look and feel for a page.

Figure 3: You can define a specific look and feel for a page.

Many themes include more than one color scheme, which keeps the existing look and feel while giving the Site a different flavor. The Color Schemes option is not available for the default theme.

There are a few more configurable settings for your Page Set look and feel. You can switch the bullet style between dots and arrows and you can choose whether or not to show maximize/minimize application links by default. The CSS section lets you enter custom CSS for tweaking your theme.

Using a Custom Logo for a Site

By default, the Liferay logo is used for your Site pages’ logo. If you want to use your own logo for a specific Site, select the Logo tab from the Configure interface and browse to the location of your logo. Make sure your logo fits the space in the top left corner of the theme you’re using for your website. If you don’t, you could wind up with a Site that’s difficult to navigate, as other page elements are pushed aside to make way for the logo.

In the logo tab, you can also choose whether or not to display the Site name on the Site. If you check the box labeled Show Site Name, the Site name appears next to the logo. This option is enabled by default and cannot be disabled if the Allow Site Administrators to set their own logo option is disabled in Instance Settings. Removing the Site name is not available for the default Site—you can configure this only for new Sites and user pages.

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