Form Success Pages

After users submit one of your whiz-bang forms, what’s next? How will they know they’re done and can close the browser window or tab? What if they think their submission didn’t go through and wonder if they need to fill out the whole form again? By default, submitting a form displays the default success message and returns users to the form’s now empty first page. Don’t leave users feeling equally empty. Instead, configure a Success Page. A Success Page is a terminal page showing users they’ve finished filling out the form and their submission was successfully received. A Success Page can even urge users to close the browser window or tab.

Figure 1: The default success message alerts users when their request completes successfully.

Figure 1: The default success message alerts users when their request completes successfully.

A Success Page is simple. It has a title in bold text and a description beneath the title. A common alternative to using a Success Page is to redirect users to a different page in your Site. What should you put in a Success Page? Whatever you want. If you can’t think of anything important or creative to say, use the default message:

Figure 2: Theres a default Success Page message if you cant think of anything else to say.

Figure 2: There's a default Success Page message if you can't think of anything else to say.

To configure a Success Page,

  1. Add a form in Site Administration (your site’s menu) → ContentForms.

  2. Click on the form page’s Actions button (Actions) and choose Add Success Page.

Figure 3: Add a Success Page using the edit menu for the form page.

Figure 3: Add a Success Page using the edit menu for the form page.

Once the Success Page is added to your form, fill in the Title and Content fields however you please. When the form is saved and published, the Success Page is live for your form users.

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