Using the Audience Targeting Widgets

Audience Targeting includes widgets that can be added to any portal page:

  • Campaign Content Display
  • User Segment Content Display
  • User Segment Content List

All of these widgets support Application Display Templates (ADTs), and any of Liferay DXP’s out-of-the-box Asset Publisher ADTs can be re-used for these Audience Targeting widgets.

User Segment Content Display

User Segment Content Display displays content to users based on their user segment membership. Administrators can specify multiple rules according to the following format:

  • If the user [belongs|does not belong] to [any|all] of the following user segments [specify a list of user segments], then display this content: [specify a specific asset].

You can specify any number of if clauses when configuring the User Segment Content Display widget’s rules. However, an otherwise clause always follows the last if clause so the widget knows what to display if the user doesn’t match any user segments. Don’t display anything is an option for the otherwise clause.

Figure 1: You can configure the User Segment Content Display widget to display content according to rules that you define in the widgets configuration window.

Figure 1: You can configure the User Segment Content Display widget to display content according to rules that you define in the widget's configuration window.

For example, you can add a User Segment Content Display widget to a page and configure the following rules for it:

  • If the user belongs to any of the following user segments: Tennis fans, display this content: tennis_picture.jpg.
  • If the user belongs to any of the following user segments: Basketball fans, display this content: basketball_picture.jpg.
  • If the user belongs to any of the following user segments: Soccer, display this content: soccer_picture.jpg.
  • Otherwise, Don’t display anything.

Once the widget has been configured this way, users (even guest users) see a different image based on their user segment. The widget isn’t visible to users who don’t belong to any of the configured user segments.

Figure 2: In the User Segment Content Display widget, site administrators can preview the various assets that have been configured to be displayed to different user segments.

Figure 2: In the User Segment Content Display widget, site administrators can preview the various assets that have been configured to be displayed to different user segments.

Administrators can preview the various assets that have been configured for different user segments.

Campaign Content Display

Campaign Content Display is similar to the User Segment Content Display except that instead of displaying assets based on user segment membership, it displays an asset based on the campaigns that a user matches. However, the Campaign Content Display widget’s display rules are simpler than those of the User Segment Content Display widget. You can specify multiple rules for the Campaign Content Display widget according to the following format:

  • If the user belongs to this campaign: [select a campaign], then display this content: [specify a specific asset].

As with the User Segment Content Display, you can specify any number of if clauses when configuring the Campaign Content Display widget. An otherwise clause always follows the last if. These rules cannot be ordered manually as they can with the User Segment Content Display widget. The order of the rules is based on the priority of the campaigns.

Figure 3: The rules for configuring the Campaign Content Display widget to display content are similar to the rules of the User Segment Content Display widget, but simpler.

Figure 3: The rules for configuring the Campaign Content Display widget to display content are similar to the rules of the User Segment Content Display widget, but simpler.

For example, if you created two campaigns called World Cup and Stanley Cup that targets users interested in the World Cup of soccer and the Stanley Cup of hockey, you could add a Campaign Content Display widget to a page and configure it with the following rules:

  • If the user belongs to this campaign: World Cup, display this content: soccer-ball.jpg.
  • If the user belongs to this campaign: Stanley Cup, display this content: hockey-.png.
  • Otherwise, display this content: generic-sports-jersey.jpg

Once a Campaign Content Display has been added to a page and been configured this way, users matching the World Cup campaign see the soccer image. Users matching the Stanley cup campaign see the hockey image. Users who don’t match either see the default image. Of course, once a campaign has ended, no users match that campaign. Once all campaigns have ended, all users see the default image.

The Campaign Content Display widget, like the User Segment Content Display widget, allows Site administrators to preview the different assets that are displayed for different campaigns.

Asset Publisher

For Liferay DXP 7.1 the Asset Publisher replaces the functionality of the User Segment Content List. When Audience Targeting is installed, the Asset Publisher gains an additional configuration option: User Segments Filter. When User Segments Filter is activated, the only assets displayed are those that match the filters configured in the widget and are categorized under any of the user segments for the current user. Assets not categorized with User Segments don’t appear in any Asset Publisher with the User Segments Filter enabled. The Asset Publisher can be configured to display these assets in a list or to display the full content.

Next you’ll learn how to simulate your user segments and campaigns.

« Campaign ReportsSimulating User Segments and Campaigns »
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