If you use LCS to activate Liferay DXP, your server must maintain its connection to LCS at all times. If this connection is interrupted, your server enters a grace period to allow for reconnection. Lengthy interruptions, however, can affect your server’s uptime.
The following sections in this document provide some background information and help you troubleshoot problems with your server’s LCS connection:
- LCS Grace Periods: Describes how grace periods work in LCS. You should read this section before attempting any troubleshooting steps.
- Troubleshooting: Presents troubleshooting steps for specific problems.
- Increasing Log Levels: If you contact Liferay Support, you’ll be asked to increase your server’s log levels and then provide your log files. This section shows you how to do this.
LCS Grace Periods
There are 2 grace period types in LCS:
Connection Grace Period: Occurs when your activated LCS connection is interrupted. This gives you time to re-establish the connection.
Subscription Grace Period: Occurs when your subscription is about to expire. This gives you time to renew the subscription.
Connection Grace Period
If your server’s LCS connection is interrupted, the server continues to run and enters a grace period that lasts for up to 30 days to allow for reconnection. During this grace period, Liferay DXP displays a warning message to administrators. Upon seeing this message, administrators should contact Liferay Support and follow the troubleshooting steps below. LCS automatically restores your server’s activation upon reconnection (you shouldn’t need to restart the server). If for some reason the connection can’t be restored, Liferay Support will provide an alternative way to activate your server.
Figure 1: A warning message is displayed to administrators if the server can't connect to LCS to validate the subscription.
While disconnected from LCS, the LCS client app continually attempts to
reconnect. If reconnection continues to fail, ensure that your server can access
and lcs-gateway.liferay.com
. If the LCS client app stops
attempting to reconnect, there will be no activity in the logs. In this case,
you can force reconnection by redeploying the app. Follow these steps to do so:
In your server’s Liferay Home folder (usually the parent folder of the application server’s folder), remove this file:
osgi/marketplace/Liferay Connected Services Client.lpkg
Liferay Connected Services Client.lpkg
in[Liferay Home]/deploy
. If you connect to LCS through a proxy, and configured this inside the LCS client app, make sure the app you deploy is also configured to do so.
You should also ensure that you’ve enabled email notifications in LCS for server disconnection events. To do this, you must create a notification rule that sends an email whenever the server shuts down unexpectedly. The documentation on managing Your account explains how to do this.
LCS’s grace period behavior has been implemented in several patches. If you’re not running these patches, your server’s grace period may be different. The following table lists each patch and how it changes the grace period. Note that each hotfix includes the preceding hotfixes, and each fix pack includes the preceding fix packs.
Fix Pack | Hotfix Built After | Before | After |
40 | 05 March 2018 | The grace period lasts 7 days. | The grace period lasts 30 days. |
33 | 17 Nov 2017 | The grace period is only invoked for lost network connections. | The grace period is also invoked for failed subscription validation, if the server was previously registered. |
32 | 20 Oct 2017 | The grace period warning is displayed as soon as the LCS connection is lost. | The grace period warning is displayed only after the connection has been out for 1 hour. This prevents false alarms for temporary network problems. |
Subscription Grace Period
At least 90 days before the subscription expires, Liferay will reach out to begin the renewal process. 30 days before expiration, Liferay Support sends warning messages through the Help Center, the LCS site, and the Customer Portal. After the expiration date, your servers may be placed in an additional grace period, which is communicated through the same support channels. If the renewal isn’t completed during this grace period, then the subscription becomes inactive and the Liferay DXP instance enters the 30-day grace period. As soon as the renewal is processed, the instance activates and any error or warning messages disappear within 24 hours. Note that by using XML activation keys (provided by Liferay Support upon request), you can continue to use your Liferay DXP instances even after a subscription has expired.
Figure 2: LCS sends you a notification prior to the expiration of your subscription.
If you encounter issues with LCS, the Liferay Support team is here to help. If you need support, open a Help Center ticket. You can begin troubleshooting the following scenarios, which the Liferay Support team can also assist you with.
Server Can’t Reach LCS
If your server can’t reach LCS, verify that you can access the public sites required by LCS:
should be viewable in a browser. -
should respond on port 443:curl -vk -I "https://lcs-gateway.liferay.com" telnet lcs-gateway.liferay.com 443
Subscription Issues
For issues related to your subscription, first review the documentation on managing your subscription. Subscription errors usually involve one of these problems:
- Your server can reach LCS, but can’t locate a subscription.
- Your server can reach LCS and locate a subscription, but activating your server would exceed the subscription’s number of activation keys or cores.
In either case, you must verify that a subscription is available and that you’re not exceeding its number of activation keys or cores. You can find this information on the LCS site’s Subscriptions page, as described in the documentation on managing subscriptions. If the environment in which you’re trying to activate a server isn’t assigned the subscription you want to use, then you must create a new environment and assign it the correct subscription. Once assigned, you can’t change an environment’s subscription. Follow the initial registration steps for instructions on creating a new environment and activating a new server.
Invalid Token
If the token is invalid, first review the documentation on environment tokens. The following table lists causes and solutions for invalid tokens.
Cause | Solution |
The LCS user who generated the token no longer has permissions. This happens when the user leaves the LCS project or becomes an LCS Environment Manager or LCS Environment Viewer in a different environment. | Regenerate the token. |
The token’s file name is changed after download. | Download the token again from LCS. |
The token is regenerated. | Use the regenerated token. |
Increasing Log Levels
If you contact Liferay Support, you’re asked to increase your server’s log
levels and then provide your log files. You can find these log files in
[Liferay Home]/logs
(Liferay Home
is usually the parent folder of the application server’s folder). There are 2
types of log files in this folder:
Liferay log files: The files
are the logs for your Liferay DXP installation. Note that LOG and XML files for the same date contain the same information—the only difference is the file format. -
LCS log files: The
files are the LCS client app’s logs. Note that if there’s only a single LCS log file, it may appear without a date aslcs-portlet.log
. When you increase the log levels as described in the following sections, the additional log messages are written to these LCS log files.
There are 2 ways to increase the log levels:
In your Liferay DXP instance’s Control Panel: This is a temporary configuration that resets upon shutting down the server. Note that if the server isn’t activated, you can’t access the Control Panel. In that case, Liferay Support can provide an XML activation key.
In a Log4j configuration: This is a permanent configuration that persists through server shutdown and restart.
The following sections cover both options.
Control Panel
Follow these steps to increase the log levels via the Control Panel:
Navigate to Control Panel → Configuration → Server Administration.
Click the Log Levels tab.
Search for “lcs”.
Change the log level for each matching entry to DEBUG.
While in the Control Panel, you should also navigate to Configuration → Liferay Connected Services and take a screenshot of what you see there. This is useful to Liferay Support.
Follow these steps to increase the log levels via Log4j:
Download the latest LCS client as instructed in the LCS preconfiguration article. The app downloads as
Liferay Connected Services Client.lpkg
. If you don’t want to download the latest client, you can use the one already installed in your server: it’s in[Liferay Home]/osgi/marketplace
(just make sure to shut down your server before following the rest of the steps in this section). Recall that the Liferay Home folder is usually the parent folder of the application server’s folder. -
Expand the LPKG file, then expand the
file inside it. -
Inside the
file, replace the contents ofWEB-INF\classes\META-INF\portal-log4j.xml
with the following configuration:<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd"> <log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/"> <appender class="org.apache.log4j.rolling.RollingFileAppender" name="RollingFileAppender"> <rollingPolicy class="org.apache.log4j.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy"> <param name="ActiveFileName" value="@example.home@/logs/lcs-portlet.log" /> <param name="FileNamePattern" value="@example.home@/logs/lcs-portlet.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log.zip" /> </rollingPolicy> <layout class="org.apache.log4j.EnhancedPatternLayout"> <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d{yyyy/MM/dd HH\:mm\:ss} %-5p [%t][%c{1}:%L] %m%n" /> </layout> </appender> <category name="com.liferay.lcs.task.scheduler"> <priority value="ALL" /> </category> <logger additivity="false" name="com.liferay.lcs"> <level value="ALL" /> <appender-ref ref="RollingFileAppender" /> </logger> </log4j:configuration>
Save the file and repackage the WAR and LPKG (make sure not to change the names of these files).
Make sure your server is shut down.
In your installation’s Liferay Home folder, delete the existing LCS client app:
osgi/marketplace/Liferay Connected Services Client.lpkg
Place the
Liferay Connected Services Client.lpkg
that you repackaged in step 4 inosgi/marketplace
. -
Start your server.
If you need assistance with the issues in this guide, or any other issues with LCS, contact Liferay Support.