Patching Basics

Liferay ships Liferay DXP 7.1 fixes through three different channels:

  • Fix packs
  • Hotfixes
  • Service Packs

Fix Packs

The latest fixes that patch the core are bundled together weekly into fix packs that are provided to all of Liferay’s customers. Fix packs include fixes for both the core and the applications and modules that ship with Liferay DXP. The fixes address regressions or obvious bugs and don’t require you to make additional changes. Each fix pack contains all previous fix packs since the last service pack.

Security Fix Packs are a special fix pack type for deploying critical security fixes quickly without changing fix pack levels.

Fixes that don’t fit these requirements are considered for service packs or hot fixes.


A hotfix is provided to customers when they contact Liferay about an emergency situation, and Liferay’s support team—working with the customer—determines that the problem is a product issue that must be fixed very quickly. Support fixes the bug and provides a hotfix to the customer immediately. This is a short-term fix. Hotfixes can patch the core, the applications, and modules.

Service Packs

Service packs are built on top of the original Liferay DXP release and repackaged with the latest fix pack, Patching Tool, and modules. Since a service pack is a fix pack, it contains all previous fix packs since the last service pack. Each one includes the most recent latest patches and updates. If starting a new project, always start with the latest service pack.

Service packs can also include changes that have these characteristics:

  • Require more extensive testing.
  • Require some of your attention, such as updating your documentation.
  • Improve the product.

Rather than updating existing Liferay DXP systems with service packs, you should

  1. Keep systems up-to-date with fix packs (according to your own deployment schedule).

  2. Install the latest Marketplace updates frequently.

  3. Update the Patching Tool when necessary.

This method updates the installation to the service pack levels, while allowing scheduled deployments and avoiding full environment rebuilds.

How Patches are Tested

Liferay extensively tests service packs, fix packs, and hotfixes to ensure high quality. Fixes in fix packs go through both automated regression testing and manual testing. Hotfixes receive similar automated testing, and the support engineer who fixes a reported issue tests it.

Before releasing a service pack, Liferay runs test suites on the packaged service pack.

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