Working with Patches

Here are some things you might need to do with patches:

Start with reporting patch levels to Liferay Support.

Including support-info in Support Tickets

Providing your environment’s information (e.g., hardware architecture) and patch level to Liferay Support is critical for reproducing your issues. Write your support information (including your patch level) to a file by executing this command:

patching-tool support-info

The support information is written to file patching-tool-support-info-actual-timestamp.txt in your patching-tool folder. Please upload this file to the Help Center ticket.

Uninstalling Patches

Have you noticed that the Patching Tool only seems to have an install command? This is because patches are managed not by the command, but by what appears in the patches folder. You manage the patches you have installed by adding or removing patches from this folder.

Here’s how to uninstall (remove) a patch:

  1. Remove the patch from your patches folder.

  2. Run the patching-tool install command.

To revert ALL patches, run this command:

patching-tool revert

Now you know how to remove and revert patches.

Comparing Patch Levels

If you’re a developer, the Patching Tool can show you what changed between different Liferay DXP patches and versions. These commands show you information about the different patch levels:

patching-tool diff: Prints the differences between two patch levels. At least one stored patch level must be available. This command accepts options for filtering the output:

  • source: Shows the source differences between the two patch levels.
  • files: Shows a list of the modified files.
  • fixed-issues: Shows a list of LPS/LPE issues from our issue tracking system.
  • html: Specify this along with one of the filtering options (source, files, or fixed-issues) and after the patch levels, to write the differences to an HTML file (<stored-name-1>-<stored-name-2>-[type]-diff.html) in the diffs folder. Additions are colored green and deletions are colored red.
  • collisions: Shows a list of modified files which collide with deployed plugins.

For detailed usage information, run patching-tool help diff.

patching-tool store: Manages patching level information for the diff command. Your patches must contain source code to store the patch level and to prepare usable information for the diff command. Here are the store command options:

  • info: Prints the list of patches which make up the stored patch level.
  • add: Stores the patch level that can be found in the patches directory.
  • update: Adds or updates patch level information.
  • rm: Removes previously stored patch level information.

For detailed usage information, run patching-tool help store.

Showing collisions between patches and deployed plugins

Some patches update files you might have customized via a plugin. The patching-tool list-collisions command lists differences (collisions) between installed patch files and your plugin’s version of them. Here’s the command:

patching-tool list-collisions

It is an alias for the following diff command:

patching-tool diff collisions files _base

_base is the literal patch level name. Collisions are only listed for installed patches that contain source code files.

Separating Patches from the Installation

The Patching Tool’s separate command helps reduce the patched Liferay DXP installation size. If the installation has been patched, you can make it smaller by moving the restore files out of it.

Patched installations are large because the restore files are stored inside the web application’s WEB-INF folder by default. These files are required for patching the installation again.

If these files are removed, subsequent patching processes fail. Because of this, Liferay added an option to separate the patching files from the installation while still preserving and restoring them safely when new patches arrive. To do this, use this command:

patching-tool separate [separation_name] 

This command produces a liferay-patching-files-[separation-name].zip file in the Patching Tool’s patches folder. It contains the necessary files and metadata for patching, verification, and validation. Once you create this file, the patch files are removed from their default location and are now only available in this file. You can store this file elsewhere to reduce your installation’s size.

WARNING: If the product is separated from its patches in this way, you cannot run most of the Patching Tool commands until the patches are restored.

After the separation process only the following commands can be used:

  • auto-discovery
  • info
  • setup

Any other command returns this:

This installation does not include data for patching. Please copy the
liferay-patching-files-[separation-name].zip file into the 'patches' directory
and run patching-tool setup. 

This is how you restore the patch files to your system. Details below.

Restoring the Separated Patch Files

When you need to patch Liferay DXP again, you must restore the separated patch artifact. To do this, copy the liferay-patching-files-[separation-name].zip back to the Patching Tool’s patches folder and run patching-tool setup command.

The command finds the necessary patching artifact and restores the patch files to the installation. After that, the Patching Tool works like it did prior to separating the patches.

« Installing PatchesConfiguring the Patching Tool »
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