Configuring the Patching Tool

The Patching Tool installs Liferay DXP patches. It ships with prepackaged Liferay DXP bundles. If any of the following scenarios describes your Liferay DXP installation, however, you must configure the Patching Tool manually:

  • Installed Liferay DXP manually on an existing application server
  • Customized your Liferay DXP folder structure
  • Running in a cluster

If none of the above scenarios describe your installation, you can skip this section.

If you installed Liferay DXP manually, you must also install the Patching Tool manually. Download it from the Customer Portal. Unzipping it to your Liferay Home folder is the easiest way to use it.

Read on to configure the Patching Tool for your environment.

« Working with PatchesPatching Tool Basic configuration »
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