Installing patches on the Liferay DXP 7.1 WAR

If you installed Liferay DXP manually as a WAR file on a supported application server, you must apply patches to the WAR file and supporting files and re-deploy them. This tutorial shows you how to do that.


Download the necessary artifacts from the Customer Portal:

  • Liferay DXP WAR file (liferay-dxp-[version].war)
  • Dependencies ZIP file (liferay-dxp-dependencies-[version].zip)
  • OSGi JARs ZIP file (liferay-dxp-osgi-[version].zip)
  • Latest Patching Tool

Install the patch on the Liferay DXP WAR and artifacts

  1. Create an arbitrary folder. Unzip the dependency artifacts and the Patching Tool into it. The folder contents should look like this:

    • [patching-home]/
      • liferay-dxp-dependencies-[version]/ ← Unzipped Dependencies
      • osgi/ ← Unzipped OSGi JARs
      • patching-tool/ ← Unzipped Patching Tool
      • liferay-dxp-[version].war/ ← Liferay DXP WAR File
  2. Create the default profile configuration file in the Patching Tool folder: patching-home/patching-tool/ The contents should look like this:


    If you’re using a different OSGi folder structure, you can specify it as the Patching Tool Advanced Configuration documentation describes:

  3. Download the patch (fix pack or hotfix) to install and put it in a folder called patches in your Patching Tool folder:

  4. Execute the Patching Tool’s info command:

    /patching-home/patching-tool> patching-tool info
    Loading product and patch information...
    Product information:
      * installation type: binary
      * build number: 7110
      * service pack version:
        - available SP version: Not available
        - installable SP version: Not available
      * patching-tool version: 2.0.8
      * time: 2018-09-12 18:30Z
      * host: 91WRQ72 (8 cores)
      * plugins: no plugins detected
    Currently installed patches: -
    Available patches: dxp-2-7110
    Detailed patch list:
      [ I] dxp-2-7110 :: Currently not installed; Will be installed. :: Built for LIFERAY
  5. Install the patch.

    /patching-home/patching-tool>  install
    One patch is ready to be installed. Applying dxp-2...
    Cleaning up: [1%..10%..20%..30%..40%..50%..60%..70%..80%..90%..100%]
    Installing patches: [1%..10%..20%..30%..40%..50%..60%..70%..80%..90%...100%]
    The installation was successful. One patch is installed on the system.

Great! You have successfully patched the artifacts, and they are ready to be deployed on any supported Application Server.

Patching Tool Advanced Configuration

Deploying Liferay DXP

« Patching Tool Advanced ConfigurationKeeping up with Fix packs and Service Packs »
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