Implementing a UI with Liferay Taglibs

Clearly, now that you’ve implemented all the other layers of your application, you need a user interface that’s a bit more organized and extensible than the one you created for the preferences-based version of this application. Because of this, you’ll implement a UI pattern that Liferay uses for its own applications. You’ll find that this makes it easy for you to organize your code and share repeated code elements in one place.

Using init.jsp For All Declarations

So far, you’ve had to repeat certain elements in all your JSP files. These include declarations of any tag libraries you plan to use in your JSP, any import statements you’ll use in JSP scriptlets, and any initialization tags, such as <portlet:defineObjects />. Since it is highly likely you’ll want to do this on all JSPs that you create, why not put all this code in one file and then include that file in every JSP? Then you don’t have to waste time pasting in the same declarations on every page.

This is a pattern you’ll see in all of Liferay’s portlets. The idea is to create a JSP called init.jsp that contains all these declarations, and then include it in the rest of the application’s JSPs. That way, if you introduce a new tag library or import, you add it once to init.jsp and the rest of your JSPs can use it. Normally, you’d build up your init.jsp as you go, adding declarations and imports as you build your application. Since this is a Liferay learning path, obviously this application has already been written ahead of time so you can use it to learn how to do it yourself. For this reason, we’ll provide the complete contents of init.jsp for you.

  1. Create a file called init.jsp in the docroot/html folder of your application. This can be done by right-clicking on the folder, selecting NewFile, supplying init.jsp as the name, and then clicking OK.

  2. Paste the contents of the below snippet into this file:

    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portlet" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="aui" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-ui" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="theme" %>
    <%@ page import="java.util.List" %>
    <%@ page import="com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.ParamUtil" %>
    <%@ page import="com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.HtmlUtil" %>
    <%@ page import="com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.StringPool" %>
    <%@ page import="" %>
    <%@ page import="" %>
    <%@ page import="" %>
    <portlet:defineObjects />
    <theme:defineObjects />

As you can see, this file contains only what you’d need to use in the logic of your other JSPs. Since there’s not much interesting going on here, it’s best to move on to where things are really happening.

Viewing Guestbooks and Their Entries

Since you already have logic in your controller class that creates a default guestbook when the portlet is added to a page, you don’t need to create the JSP for adding Guestbook entities right away. This frees you to work on the application’s default view, which is implemented in view.jsp. Open that file now.

Since this is a longer file, instead of pasting in the whole thing, you’ll work on it step by step.

  1. Clear out the contents of the file. You won’t need anything that’s in there.

  2. Add the following first line of code:

    <%@include file="/html/init.jsp"%>

    This includes the init.jsp file you just created.

  3. Next, add the following scriptlet:

        long guestbookId = Long.valueOf((Long) renderRequest

    This retrieves the guestbookId that was added to the RenderRequest object in the render() method of the portlet class.

  4. Now you’ll use Liferay’s AlloyUI tag libraries for something other than a form. You’ll implement a tab bar across the top of your application that lets users select the guestbook to which they want to add and/or read entries.

    <aui:nav cssClass="nav-tabs">
            List<Guestbook> guestbooks = GuestbookLocalServiceUtil
                for (int i = 0; i < guestbooks.size(); i++) {
                    Guestbook curGuestbook = (Guestbook) guestbooks.get(i);
                    String cssClass = StringPool.BLANK;
                    if (curGuestbook.getGuestbookId() == guestbookId) {
                        cssClass = "active";
        <portlet:renderURL var="viewPageURL">
            <portlet:param name="mvcPath" value="/html/guestbook/view.jsp" />
            <portlet:param name="guestbookId"
                value="<%=String.valueOf(curGuestbook.getGuestbookId())%>" />
        <aui:nav-item cssClass="<%=cssClass%>" href="<%=viewPageURL%>"
            label="<%=HtmlUtil.escape(curGuestbook.getName())%>" />

    The first thing this does is declare that you’re using a navigation element, and that you want it to use tabs. These are implemented as a CSS class in Liferay’s default theme. Next is a scriptlet that gets all the Guestbook entities out of the database and loops through them. During each loop, it checks to see if the current guestbook in the loop has the same ID as the one the user has selected. If it is, it sets a String variable for the CSS class to active. A render URL is then created for the guestbook, and then a navigation item is created that uses the CSS class as a parameter. In this way, the loop builds a list of navigation items on the page that are styled as tabs, and the currently selected tab gets an active class so it shows as selected.

  5. Next, you’ll add the button row, which is almost the same as the one you had in the previous version of this portlet:

    <aui:button-row cssClass="guestbook-buttons">
        <portlet:renderURL var="addGuestbookURL">
            <portlet:param name="mvcPath"
                value="/html/guestbook/edit_guestbook.jsp" />
        <portlet:renderURL var="addEntryURL">
            <portlet:param name="mvcPath" value="/html/guestbook/edit_entry.jsp" />
            <portlet:param name="guestbookId"
                value="<%=String.valueOf(guestbookId)%>" />
        <aui:button onClick="<%=addGuestbookURL.toString()%>"
            value="Add Guestbook" />
        <aui:button onClick="<%=addEntryURL.toString()%>" value="Add Entry"></aui:button>

    This is the same as the previous version of the button row, except for the additional Add Guestbook button. This points to a new JSP which you’ll create next.

  6. The last thing to be added is the new Search Container that uses your service layer to retrieve guestbook entries:

                            guestbookId, searchContainer.getStart(),
                            searchContainer.getEnd())%>" />
            className="" modelVar="entry">
            <liferay-ui:search-container-column-text property="message" />
            <liferay-ui:search-container-column-text property="name" />
        <liferay-ui:search-iterator />

    Again, this Search Container is almost the same as the previous version, except for parameters in the <liferay-ui:search-container /> tag and <liferay-ui:search-container-results /> tag. The total parameter in the <liferay-ui:search-container /> tag calls your service layer to retrieve the total number of guestbook entries. The results parameter in the <liferay-ui:search-container-results /> tag retrieves the entries. The same rows are displayed even though your entity also collects users’ email addresses, because obviously you don’t want to publish email addresses on a web page: they’ll get harvested by spammers.

Excellent! You’ve now updated the default view of your application. Next, you’ll update the form for adding entries.

Adding Guestbook Entries

Your edit_entry.jsp for services will be much the same as the one you already wrote for the preference-based version of this portlet. For this reason, instead of replacing its contents, just edit what you have; it’ll be easier.

  1. Remove the tag library declarations and the <portlet:defineObjects /> tag from the top of the file. Replace it with the init.jsp include:

    <%@include file="/html/init.jsp" %>
  2. The only other things you need to add are the missing fields. Make your <aui:fieldset> look like this:

        <aui:input name="name" />
        <aui:input name="email" />
        <aui:input name="message" />
        <aui:input name='guestbookId' type='hidden' 
            value='<%= ParamUtil.getString(renderRequest, "guestbookId") %>'/>

    The only thing of note here is the last field: remember that the action URL that gets the user here has a parameter that carries the guestbookId. This must be submitted along with the form, so that when you make the call to your service layer to add the entry, you know which Guestbook the entry should be added to. Since this is information the user doesn’t need to see, you can add it to the form as a hidden field.

Your guestbook entry form is now complete. All that’s left is to create your guestbook form.

Adding Guestbooks

The edit_guestbook.jsp will look very much like the guestbook entry form, except since it contains only one field, it’s much simpler. For that reason, the entire contents of the JSP are supplied here:

<%@include file = "/html/init.jsp" %>

<portlet:renderURL var="viewURL">
    <portlet:param name="mvcPath" value="/html/guestbook/view.jsp"></portlet:param>

<portlet:actionURL name="addGuestbook" var="addGuestbookURL"></portlet:actionURL>

<aui:form action="<%= addGuestbookURL %>" name="<portlet:namespace />fm">


            <aui:input name="name" />



            <aui:button type="submit"></aui:button>
            <aui:button type="cancel" onClick="<%= viewURL %>"></aui:button>


As you can see, there’s no real difference between this JSP and the one for adding entries, except of course that the URL names are different and the field is different. Since each action URL maps to an action method in your portlet class, when this form is submitted, the addGuestbook() method is called.

Figure 1: The completed guestbook application shows guestbooks in different tabs.

Figure 1: The completed guestbook application shows guestbooks in different tabs.

Congratulations! You’ve used Liferay’s Service Builder persistence framework to create a data-driven application! Of course, there are many more things you’ll want to add, some of which are listed below.

Next Steps

Setting Permissions

« Updating Your Controller to Use ServicesSetting Permissions »
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