With Maven, it’s easy to deploy plugins to a Liferay Portal instance. This tutorial explain the process. Just follow these steps:
Make sure you’ve specified the Liferay specific properties (the properties starting with
) in your plugin’s (or your parent plugin’s)pom.xml
. See the Using Maven Parent Plugin Projects tutorial for descriptions of these Liferay properties.Here’s an example where these properties are specified for a Liferay instance bundled with Apache Tomcat in the directory
:<properties> <liferay.app.server.deploy.dir> C:\liferay-portal-6.2\tomcat-7.0.42\webapps </liferay.app.server.deploy.dir> <liferay.app.server.lib.global.dir> C:\liferay-portal-6.2\tomcat-7.0.42\lib\ext </liferay.app.server.lib.global.dir> <liferay.app.server.portal.dir> C:\liferay-portal-6.2\tomcat-7.0.42\webapps\root </liferay.app.server.portal.dir> <liferay.auto.deploy.dir> C:\liferay-portal-6.2\deploy </liferay.auto.deploy.dir> <liferay.maven.plugin.version> 6.2.0-GA1 </liferay.maven.plugin.version> <liferay.version> 6.2.0-GA1 </liferay.version> </properties>
In your command prompt, navigate to your Liferay plugin project’s directory.
Package your plugin by entering
mvn package
Your command output should be similar to the following output:
[INFO] Building war: E:\liferay-plugins-maven\sample-parent-project\sample-portlet\target\sample- portlet-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war ... [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] --------------------------------------------------------------------
Deploy the plugin into your Liferay bundle by entering
mvn liferay:deploy
The command output should look similar to the following output:
[INFO] Deploying sample-portlet-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war to [liferay version]\deploy [INFO] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Your Liferay console output shows your plugin deploying. It looks like this:
INFO: Deploying web application directory [liferay version]\[tomcat version] \webapps\sample-portlet INFO [pool-2-thread-2][HotDeployImpl:178] Deploying sample-portlet from que ue INFO [pool-2-thread-2][PluginPackageUtil:1033] Reading plugin package for s ample-portlet
If you’re deploying the plugin to a release or snapshot repository, specify the repository by adding a distribution management section to your plugin’s
or your parent project’spom.xml
.Here’s an example distribution management section for a snapshot repository:
<distributionManagement> <repository> <id>liferay-releases</id> <url>http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/repositories/liferay-releases</url> </repository> <snapshotRepository> <id>liferay-snapshots</id> <name>Liferay Snapshots Repository</name> <url>http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/repositories/liferay-snapshots</url> </snapshotRepository> </distributionManagement>
The proper contents for your
element can be found in the Summary tab for each of your repositories.Figure 2.29: Select the *Summary* tab of your repository to see how to specify it for distribution management in your plugin's POM.
If you created the plugin as a snapshot, you’ll have to deploy it to a snapshot repository. You can deploy a plugin as a release, but the plugin’s POM must specify a valid release version (e.g.,
), not a snapshot version (e.g.,<version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
). -
Deploy your plugin into your specified Nexus repository:
mvn deploy
Your plugin is now available in your Nexus repository!
Congratulations on deploying your plugin to Liferay and to your repository!