Introduction to Security and Permissions

The Java portlet standard defines a simple security scheme using portlet roles and their mapping to portal roles. On top of this, Liferay provides a fine-grained permissions system that you can use to implement access security in your portlets. Here, you’ll find an overview of the standard Java security system, Liferay’s permission system, and you’ll learn how to use them in your own portlets.

This section’s tutorials cover the following topics:

  • Using Portal Roles in a Portlet

  • Adding Permissions to Resources

  • Adding and Deleting Resources

  • Exposing the Permission Interface to Users

  • Checking Permissions

  • Creating a Custom Action Key

Customizing Liferay Portal

Plugin Security and PACL

Developing Plugins with Liferay IDE

User Interfaces with AlloyUI

Liferay UI Taglibs

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