Android Best Practices

When developing Android projects with Liferay Screens, there are a few best practices that you should follow to ensure your code is as clean and bug-free as possible. This tutorial lists these.

Update Your Tools

You should first make sure that you have the latest tools installed. You should use the latest Android API level with the latest version of Android Studio. Although Screens may work with Eclipse ADT or manual Gradle builds, Android Studio is the preferred IDE.

See the Breaking Changes Document

When updating an app or Screenlet to a new version of Liferay Screens, make sure to see the Android breaking changes reference article. This article lists changes to Screens that break functionality in prior versions. In most cases, updating your code is relatively straightforward.

Naming Conventions

Using the naming conventions described here leads to consistency and a better understanding of the Screens library. This makes working with your Screenlets much simpler.

Also note that Liferay Screens follows Square’s Java conventions for Android, with tabs as separator. The configuration for IDEA, findbugs, PMD, and checkstyle is available in the project’s source code.

Screenlet Folder

Your Screenlet folder’s name should indicate your Screenlet’s functionality. For example, Login Screenlet’s folder is named login.

If you have multiple Screenlets that operate on the same entity, you can place them inside a folder named for that entity. For example, Asset Display Screenlet and Asset List Screenlet both work with Liferay assets. They’re therefore in the Screens library’s asset folder.


Naming Screenlets properly is very important; they’re the main focus of Liferay Screens. You should name your Screenlet with its principal action first, followed by Screenlet. Its Screenlet class should also follow this pattern. For example, Login Screenlet’s principal action is to log users into a @product@ installation. This Screenlet’s Screenlet class is therefore LoginScreenlet.

View Models

Name your View models the same way you name Screenlets, but substitute ViewModel for Screenlet. Also, place your View Models in a view folder in your Screenlet’s root folder. For example, Login Screenlet’s View Model is named LoginViewModel and is in the login/view folder.


Place your Screenlet’s Interactors in a folder named interactor in your Screenlet’s root folder. Name each Interactor first with the object it operates on, followed by its action and the suffix Interactor. If you wish, you can also put each Interactor in its own folder named after its action. For example, Rating Screenlet has three Interactors. Each is in its own folder inside the interactor folder:

  • delete/RatingDeleteInteractor: Deletes an asset’s ratings
  • load/RatingLoadInteractor: Loads an asset’s ratings
  • update/RatingUpdateInteractor: Updates an asset’s ratings


Place Views in a view folder in the Screenlet’s root folder. If you’re creating a View Set, however, you can place its Views in a separate viewsets folder outside your Screenlets’ root folders. This is what the Screens Library does for its Material and Westeros View Sets. The material and westeros folders contain those View Sets, respectively. Also note that in each View, each Screenlet’s View class is in its own folder. For example, the View class for Forgot Password Screenlet’s Material View is in the folder viewsets/material/src/main/java/com/liferay/mobile/screens/viewsets/material/auth/forgotpassword. Note that the auth folder in this path is the Screenlet’s module. Creating your Screenlets and Views in modules isn’t required. Also note that the View’s layout file forgotpassword_material.xml is in viewsets/material/src/main/res/layout.

Name a View’s layout XML and View class after your Screenlet, substituting View for Screenlet where necessary. The layout’s filename should also be suffixed with _yourViewName. For example, the XIB file and View class for Forgot Password Screenlet’s Material View are forgotpassword_material.xml and, respectively.

Avoid Hard Coded Elements

Using constants instead of hard-coded elements is a simple way to avoid bugs. Constants reduce the likelihood that you’ll make a typo when referring to common elements. They also gather these elements in a single location. For example, DDL Form Screenlet’s Screenlet class defines the following constants for the user action names:

public static final String LOAD_FORM_ACTION = "loadForm";
public static final String LOAD_RECORD_ACTION = "loadRecord";
public static final String ADD_RECORD_ACTION = "addRecord";
public static final String UPDATE_RECORD_ACTION = "updateRecord";
public static final String UPLOAD_DOCUMENT_ACTION = "uploadDocument";

Avoid State in Interactors

Liferay Screens uses EventBus to ensure that the network or background operation isn’t lost when the device changes orientation. For this to work, however, you must ensure that your Interactor’s request is stateless.

If an Interactor needs some piece of information, you should pass it to the Interactor via the start call and then attach it to the event. You can see an example of this in the sample Add Bookmark Screenlet from the Screenlet creation tutorial. The onUserAction method in the Screenlet class (AddBookmarkScreenlet) passes a Bookmark’s URL and title from the View Model to the Interactor via the Interactor’s start method:

protected void onUserAction(String userActionName, AddBookmarkInteractor interactor, 
    Object... args) {
        AddBookmarkViewModel viewModel = getViewModel();
        String url = viewModel.getURL();
        String title = viewModel.getTitle();

        interactor.start(url, title, folderId);

The start method calls the Interactor’s execute method in a background thread. The execute method in Add Bookmark Screenlet’s Interactor (AddBookmarkInteractor) creates a BasicEvent object that contains the start method’s arguments:

public BasicEvent execute(Object[] args) throws Exception {
    String url = (String) args[0];
    String title = (String) args[1];
    long folderId = (long) args[2];

    validate(url, folderId);

    JSONObject jsonObject = getJSONObject(url, title, folderId);
    return new BasicEvent(jsonObject);

Stay in Your Layer

When accessing variables that belong to other Screenlet components, you should avoid those outside your current Screenlet layer. This achieves better decoupling between the layers, which tends to reduce bugs and simplify maintenance. For an explanation of the layers in Liferay Screens, see the architecture tutorial. For example, don’t directly access View variables from an Interactor. Instead, pass data from a View Model to the Interactor via the Interactor’s start method. The example onUserAction method in the previous section illustrates this.

Liferay Screens for Android Troubleshooting and FAQs

Architecture of Liferay Screens for Android

Creating Android Screenlets

Android Breaking Changes

« Using Web Screenlet with Cordova in Your Android AppLiferay Screens for Android Troubleshooting and FAQs »
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