Liferay Screens separates its presentation and business-logic code using ideas from Model View Presenter, Model View ViewModel, and VIPER. However, Screens isn’t a canonical implementation of these architectures because they’re designed for apps. Screens isn’t an app; it’s a suite of visual components intended for use in apps.
This tutorial explains the architecture of Liferay Screens for iOS. It begins with an overview of the high level components that make up the system. This includes the Core, Screenlets, and Themes. These components are then described in detail in the sections that follow. After you get done examining Screens’s building blocks, you’ll be ready to create some amazing Screenlets and Themes!
High Level Architecture of Liferay Screens for iOS
Liferay Screens for iOS is composed of a Core, a Screenlet layer, a View layer, and Server Connectors. Server Connectors are technically part of the Core, but are worth describing separately. They facilitate interaction with local and remote data sources and communication between the Screenlet layer and the Liferay Mobile SDK.
Figure 1: The high level components of Liferay Screens for iOS.
Each component is described below.
Core: includes all the base classes for developing other Screens components. It’s a micro-framework that lets developers write their own Screenlets, views, and Server Connector classes.
Screenlets: Swift classes for inserting into any UIView
. They render a
selected Theme in the runtime and in Interface Builder. They also react to UI
events to start server requests (via Server Connectors), and define a set of
properties that can be configured from Interface Builder. The
Screenlets bundled with Liferay Screens are known as the Screenlet library.
Interactors: implement specific use cases for communicating with servers or any other data store. Interactors can use local and remote data sources by using Server Connectors or custom classes. If a user action or use case needs to execute more than one query on a local or remote store, the sequence is done in the corresponding Interactor. If a Screenlet supports more than one user action or use case, an Interactor must be created for each.
Connectors (or Server Connectors): a collection of classes that can interact
with local and remote data sources and Liferay instances. Liferay’s own set of
Connectors, Liferay Connector, use the
Liferay Mobile SDK.
All Server Connectors can be run concurrently since they use the
It’s very easy to define priorities and dependencies between Connectors, so you
can build your own graph of Connectors (aka operations) that can be resolved by
the framework. Connectors are always created using a
factory class
so they can be injected by the app developer.
Themes: a set of XIB files and accompanying UIView
classes that present
Screenlets to the user.
The next section describes the Core in detail.
The Core is the micro-framework that lets developers write Screenlets in a structured and isolated way. All Screenlets share a common structure based on the Core classes, but each Screenlet can have a unique purpose and communication API.
Figure 2: Here's the core layer of Liferay Screens for iOS.
From right to left, these are the main components:
the base class for all Screenlet View classes. Its child classes belong to the
Theme layer. View classes use standard XIB files to render a UI and then update
it when the data changes. The BaseScreenletView
class contains template
methods that child classes may overwrite. When developing your own Theme from a
parent Theme, you can read the Screenlet’s properties or call its methods from
this class. Any user action in the UI is received in this class, and then
redirected to the Screenlet class.
the base class for all Screenlet classes. Screenlet classes receive UI events
through the ScreenletView
class, then instantiate Interactors to process and
respond to that UI event. When the Interactor’s result is received, the
(the UI) is updated accordingly. The BaseScreenlet
contains a set of
template methods that
child classes may overwrite.
the base class for all Interactors that a Screenlet supports. The Interactor
class implements a specific use case supported by the Screenlet. If the
Screenlet supports several use cases, it needs different Interactors. If the
Interactor needs to retrieve remote data, it uses a Server Connector to do so.
When the Server Connector returns the operation’s result, the Interactor returns
that result to the Screenlet. The Screenlet then changes the ScreenletView
(the UI) status.
ServerConnector: the base class for all Liferay Connectors that a Screenlet supports. Connectors retrieve data asynchronously from local or remote data sources. The Interactor classes instantiate and start these Connector classes.
SessionContext: an object (typically a singleton) that holds the logged in user’s session. Apps can use an implicit login, invisible to the user, or a login that relies on explicit user input to create the session. User logins can be implemented with Login Screenlet. This is explained in detail here.
a singleton object that holds server configuration parameters. It’s loaded from
the liferay-server-context.plist
file. Most Screenlets use these parameters as
default values.
Now that you know what the Core contains, you’re ready to learn the Screenlet layer’s details.
Screenlet Layer
The Screenlet layer contains the available Screenlets in Liferay Screens for iOS. The following diagram shows the Screenlet layer in relation to the Core, Interactor, Theme, and Connector layers. The Screenlet classes in the diagram are explained in this section.
Figure 3: This diagram illustrates the iOS Screenlet Layer's relationship to other Screens components.
Screenlets are comprised of several Swift classes and an XIB file:
MyScreenletViewModel: a protocol that defines the attributes shown in the
UI. It typically accounts for all the input and output values presented to the
user. For example,
includes attributes like the user name and password. A Connector can be
configured by reading and validating these values. Also, the Screenlet can
change these values based on any default values and operation results.
MyScreenlet: a class that represents the Screenlet component the app developer interacts with. It includes the following things:
- Inspectable parameters for configuring the Screenlet’s behavior. The initial state can be set in the Screenlet’s data.
- A reference to the Screenlet’s View, based on the selected Theme. To meet
the Screenlet’s requirements, all Themes must implement the
protocol. - Any number of methods for invoking Connectors. You can optionally make them public for app developers to call.
- An optional (but recommended) delegate object the Screenlet can call on for particular events.
MyUserCaseInteractor: Each Interactor runs the operations that implement
the use case. These can be local operations, remote operations, or a combination
thereof. Operations can be executed sequentially or in parallel. The final
results are stored in a result
object that can be read by the Screenlet when
notified. The number of Interactor classes a Screenlet requires depends on the
number of use cases it supports.
MyOperationConnector: This is related to the Interactor, but has one or more
Connectors. If the Server Connector is a back-end call, then there’s typically
only a single request. Each Server Connector is responsible for retrieving a set
of related values. The results are stored in a result
object that can be read
by the Interactor when notified. The number of Server Connector classes an
Interactor requires depends on the number of endpoints you need to query, or
even the number of different servers you need to support. Connectors are always
created using a factory class.
You can therefore take advantage of Inversion of Control.
This way, you can implement your own factory class to use to create your own
Connector objects. To tell Screens to use your factory class, specify it in the
file as described
in the tutorial on preparing your iOS project for Screens.
MyScreenletView_themeX: A class that belongs to one specific Theme. In the
diagram, this Theme is ThemeX. The class renders the Screenlet’s UI by using
its related XIB file. The View object and XIB file communicate using standard
mechanisms like @IBOutlet
and @IBAction
. When a user action occurs in the
XIB file, it’s received by BaseScreenletView
and then passed to the Screenlet
class via the performAction
method. To identify different events, the
component’s restorationIdentifier
property is passed to the performAction
MyScreenletView_themeX.xib: an XIB file that specifies how to render the
Screenlet’s View. Its name is very important. By convention, a Screenlet with a
view class named FooScreenletView and a Theme named BarTheme must have an
XIB file named FooScreenletView_barTheme.xib
For more details, refer to the tutorial Creating iOS Screenlets. Next, the Theme Layer of Screens for iOS is described.
Theme Layer
The Theme Layer lets developers set a Screenlet’s look and feel. The Screenlet
property themeName
determines the Theme to load. This can be set by the
Screenlet’s Theme Name field in Interface Builder. A Theme consists of a view
class for Screenlet behavior and an XIB file for the UI. By inheriting one or
more of these components from another Theme, the different Theme types allow
varying levels of control over a Screenlet’s UI design and behavior.
Figure 4: The Theme Layer of Liferay Screens for iOS.
There are several different Theme types:
Default Theme: The standard Theme provided by Liferay. It can be used as a
template to create other Themes, or as the parent Theme of other Themes. Each
Theme for each Screenlet requires a View class. A Default Theme’s View class is
named MyScreenletView_default
, where MyScreenlet
is the Screenlet’s name.
This class is similar to the standard ViewController
in iOS; it receives and
handles UI events by using the standard @IBAction
and @IBOutlet
. The View
class usually uses an XIB file to build the UI components. This XIB file is
bound to the class.
Child Theme: Presents the same UI components as the parent Theme, but can change the UI components’ appearance and position. A Child Theme specifies visual changes in its own XIB file; it can’t add or remove any UI components. In the diagram, the Child Theme inherits from the Default Theme. Creating a Child Theme is ideal when you only need to make visual changes to an existing Theme. For example, you can create a Child Theme that sets new positions and sizes for the standard text boxes in Login Screenlet’s Default Theme, but without adding or overwriting existing code.
Full: Provides a complete standalone theme. It has no parent Theme and
implements unique behavior and appearance for a Screenlet. Its View class must
extend Screens’s BaseScreenletView
class and conform to the Screenlet’s view
model protocol. It must also specify a new UI in an XIB file. Refer to the
Default Theme
for an example of a Full Theme.
Extended: Inherits the parent Theme’s behavior and appearance, but lets you change and add code to both. You can do so by creating a new XIB file and a custom View class that extends the parent Theme’s View class. In the diagram, the Extended Theme inherits the Full Theme and extends its Screenlet’s View class. Refer to the Flat7 Theme for an example of an Extended Theme.
Themes in Liferay Screens are organized into sets that contain Themes for several Screenlets. Liferay’s available Theme sets are listed here:
Default: A mandatory Theme set supplied by Liferay. It’s used if the Screenlet’s
isn’t specified or is invalid. The Default Theme uses a neutral, flat white and blue design with standard UI components. For example, the Login Screenlet uses standard text boxes for the user name and password fields, but uses the Default Theme’s flat white and blue design. -
Flat7: A collection of Themes that use a flat black and green design, and UI components with rounded edges. They’re Extended Themes.
Westeros: The Theme for the Bank of Westeros sample app.
For more details on Theme creation, see the tutorial Creating iOS Themes.
Awesome! Now you know the nitty gritty details of Liferay Screens for iOS. This information is invaluable when using Screens to develop your apps.