Rendering Web Content in Your iOS App

Liferay Screens provides several ways to render web content in your app. For historical reasons, web content articles are JournalArticle entities in Liferay. Using Web Content Display Screenlet is a simple and powerful way to display HTML from a JournalArticle in your app. To fit your needs, this Screenlet supports several use cases. This tutorial describes them.

Retrieving Basic Web Content

The simplest use case for Web Content Display Screenlet is to retrieve a web content article’s HTML and render it in a UIWebView. To do this, provide the web content article’s ID via the Article Id attribute in Interface Builder. The Screenlet takes care of the rest. This includes rendering the content to fit mobile devices, performing any required caching, and more.

To render the content exactly as it appears on your mobile site, however, you must provide the CSS inline or use a template. The HTML returned isn’t aware of a Liferay instance’s global CSS.

You can also modify the rendered HTML with a delegate, as explained in the Web Content Display Screenlet reference documentation.

As you can see, this is all fairly straightforward. What could go wrong? Famous last words. A common mistake is to use the default site ID (groupId) instead of the one for the site that contains your web content articles. To continue using a default groupId in your app, but use a different one for Web Content Display Screenlet, assign the Screenlet’s Group Id property in Interface Builder.

Using Templates

Web Content Display Screenlet can also use templates to render web content articles. For example, your Liferay instance may have a custom template specifically designed to display content on mobile devices. To use a template, set the template’s ID as the Screenlet’s templateId property (Template Id in Interface Builder).

Recall that structured web content in Liferay can have many templates. You can create your own template if there’s not one suitable for displaying web content in your app.

Rendering Structured Web Content

To render structured web content in Web Content Display Screenlet, you must create a custom theme capable of doing so. Also, you must create a custom theme for each structure you want to display in your app. In this case, you may find it convenient to create each theme inside a single parent theme and use compound naming to indicate this relationship. For example, if you have structures in your Liferay instance called book, employee, and meeting, you must create a custom theme for each. If you create these themes as children of another custom theme called mytheme, you could name them, mytheme.employee, and mytheme.meeting.

Regardless of where you create your themes or what you name them, use the following steps to create them:

  1. Create a theme to render your web content. If you’ve already created your own theme, you can skip this step.

  2. In your theme, create a new class called WebContentDisplayView_themeName, extending from BaseScreenletView. This class will hold the outlets and actions associated with the web content’s UI.

  3. Create the UI in the WebContentDisplayView_themeName.xib file. This file should have a UIView that contains the components you need to render the web content’s structure fields. For example, if your structured web content contains latitude and longitude fields, you can use a MKMapView component to render the map point.

  4. Once your components are ready, change the root view’s class to WebContentDisplayView_themeName (the class you created in the first step), and create the outlets and actions you need to manage your UI components.

  5. Conform the WebContentDisplayViewModel protocol in the WebContentDisplayView_themeName class. This protocol requires you to add the htmlContent and recordContent properties. The htmlContent property is intended for HTML web content; this isn’t your theme’s use case. Your theme must display structured web content; use the recordContent property for this content. In this property, set the structure field’s value as the corresponding outlet’s value. For example:

     public var htmlContent: String? {
         get {
             return nil
         set {
             // not used for structured Web Contents
     public var recordContent: DDLRecord? {
         didSet {
             // set the outlets with record's values
             set.myOutlet.myProperty = recordContent?["my_field_name"]?.currentValueAsLabel

Next, you’ll learn how to display a list of web content articles in your app.

Displaying a List of Web Content Articles

The preceding examples show you how to use Web Content Display Screenlet to display a single web content article’s contents in your app. But what if you want to display a list of articles instead? No problem! You can do this by using Web Content List Screenlet, or Asset List Screenlet.

First, you’ll learn how to use Web Content List Screenlet.

Using Web Content List Screenlet

Web Content List Screenlet lets you retrieve and display a list of web content articles from a web content folder. Follow these steps to use the Screenlet:

  • Insert Web Content List Screenlet in your View Controller.

  • Configure the Group Id and Folder Id properties in Interface Builder. The folder ID is the ID of the web content folder you want to display articles from. To use the root folder, use 0 for the Folder Id.

  • To receive events related to the list, conform WebContentListScreenletDelegate. The events contain the WebContent objects.

For more information on the Screenlet and its supported functionality, see the Web Content List Screenlet reference documentation.

Using Asset List Screenlet

Asset List Screenlet is similar to Web Content Display Screenlet in that it can display a list of items from a Liferay instance. Asset List Screenlet, however, displays a list of assets. Since web content is an asset, you can use Asset List Screenlet to show a list of web content articles. Consider the following when doing this:

  • In the delegate, screenlet:onAssetListResponse gets an array of Asset objects that represent WebContent objects. Since WebContent is a child of Asset, you can cast the Asset objects to WebContent. Each WebContent object has the html, structure, or structuredRecord properties.

  • To render Asset List Screenlet with WebContent objects, you must create your own theme. Create a class in your theme that extends AssetListView_default, and override the doFillLoadedCell method. In this method, cast the object parameter as WebContent and then retrieve field values from the web content’s structuredRecord property. If you want custom cells, you can also override the doRegisterCellNibs and doCreateCell methods. See the Asset List Screenlet reference documentation for more details on customizing your asset list.

Using Screenlets in iOS Apps

Using Themes in iOS Screenlets

Creating iOS Themes

Web Content Display Screenlet for iOS

Web Content List Screenlet for iOS

Asset List Screenlet for iOS

« Adding Custom Interactors to iOS ScreenletsRendering Web Pages in Your iOS App »
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