Using Screenlets in Xamarin Apps

You can start using Screenlets once you’ve prepared your Xamarin project to use Liferay Screens. The Screenlet reference documentation describes the available Screenlets:

Using Screenlets is very straightforward. This tutorial shows you how to insert and configure Screenlets in your Xamarin app. You’ll be a Screenlet master in no time!


Follow these steps to insert Screenlets in your Xamarin.iOS app:

  1. Insert a view (UIView) in your storyboard (in Visual Studio’s iOS Designer or Xcode’s Interface Builder). Note that if you’re editing an XIB file, you must insert the view inside the XIB’s parent view.

  2. Set the view’s class to the class of the Screenlet you want to use. For example, Login Screenlet’s class is LoginScreenlet. If you’re using Xamarin Designer for iOS in Visual Studio, you must also give the view a name so you can refer to it in your view controller’s code.

    For example, the following video shows the first two steps for inserting Login Screenlet in a Xamarin Designer for iOS storyboard.

  3. Configure the Screenlet’s behavior in your app by implementing the Screenlet’s delegate in your view controller. To configure your app to listen for events the Screenlet triggers, implement the Screenlet’s delegate methods and register the view controller as the delegate. Make sure to annotate each delegate method with [Export(...)]. This ensures the method can be called from Objective-C, which is required for it to work in Screens. You should also set any Screenlet attributes you need. Each Liferay Screenlet’s reference documentation lists its available attributes and delegate methods.

    For example, here’s a view controller that implements Login Screenlet’s delegate, ILoginScreenletDelegate. Note that the ViewDidLoad() method sets the Screenlet’s ThemeName attribute (ThemeName is available for all Screenlets via BaseScreenlet inheritance) and registers the view controller as the delegate. This view controller also implements the OnLoginResponseUserAttributes method, which is called upon successful login. Also note this method’s [Export(...)] annotation:

    public partial class ViewController : UIViewController, ILoginScreenletDelegate
        protected ViewController(IntPtr handle) : base(handle) {}
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            // Set the Screenlet's attributes
            this.loginScreenlet.ThemeName = "demo";
            // Registers this view controller as the delegate 
            this.loginScreenlet.Delegate = this;
        // Delegate methods
        public virtual void OnLoginResponseUserAttributes(BaseScreenlet screenlet, 
            NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject> attributes)

See the Showcase-iOS app for more examples of view controllers that use Liferay’s Screenlets.


Follow these steps to insert Screenlets in your Xamarin.Android app:

  1. Open your app’s layout AXML file and insert the Screenlet’s XML in your activity or fragment layout. For example, here’s Login Screenlet’s XML in an activity’s FrameLayout:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <FrameLayout xmlns:android=""
  2. Set the Screenlet’s attributes. If it’s a Liferay Screenlet, refer to the Screenlet reference documentation to learn the Screenlet’s required and supported attributes. This screenshot shows Login Screenlet’s attributes being set:

    Figure 1: You can set a Screenlets attributes via the apps layout AXML file.

    Figure 1: You can set a Screenlet's attributes via the app's layout AXML file.

  3. To configure your app to listen for events the Screenlet triggers, implement the Screenlet’s listener interface in your activity or fragment class. Refer to the Screenlet’s reference documentation to learn its listener interface. Then register that activity or fragment as the Screenlet’s listener.

    For example, the following activity class implements Login Screenlet’s ILoginListener interface, and registers itself as the Screenlet’s listener via loginScreenlet.Listener = this. Note that the listener methods OnLoginSuccess and OnLoginFailure are called when login succeeds and fails, respectively. In this case, these methods print simple toast messages:

    public class LoginActivity : Activity, ILoginListener
        LoginScreenlet loginScreenlet;
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            loginScreenlet = (LoginScreenlet) FindViewById(Resource.Id.login_screenlet);
            loginScreenlet.Listener = this;
        // ILoginListener
        public void OnLoginSuccess(User p0)
            Toast.MakeText(this, "Login success: " + p0.Id, ToastLength.Short).Show();
        public void OnLoginFailure(Java.Lang.Exception p0)
            Android.Util.Log.Debug("LoginScreenlet", $"Login failed: {p0.Message}");

See the Showcase-Android app for more examples of activities that use Liferay’s Screenlets.

Preparing Xamarin Projects for Liferay Screens

Using Views in Xamarin.Android

Using Themes in Xamarin.iOS

Creating Xamarin Views and Themes

Liferay Screens for Xamarin Troubleshooting and FAQs

« Preparing Xamarin Projects for Liferay ScreensUsing Views in Xamarin.Android »
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