Using Themes in Xamarin.iOS

Themes in Xamarin.iOS are analogous to Views in Xamarin.Android. Like Views, Themes let you set a Screenlet’s look and feel independent of the Screenlet’s core functionality. Liferay’s Screenlets come with several Themes, and more are being developed by Liferay and the community. The Screenlet reference documentation lists the Themes available for each Screenlet included with Screens. This tutorial shows you how to use Themes in Xamarin.iOS.

Installing and Using Themes

Follow these steps to install and use a Theme:

  1. If the Theme is packaged as a NuGet dependency, you can install it in your project via NuGet. To do so, right-click your project’s Packages folder and then select Add packages…. Then search for the Theme and install it. If the Theme isn’t available in NuGet, you can drag and drop the Theme’s folder directly into your project.

  2. To use the installed Theme, set its name to the Screenlet instance’s ThemeName property in your view controller that implements the Screenlet’s delegate. All Screenlets inherit this property from BaseScreenlet. For example, this code sets Login Screenlet’s ThemeName property to the Material Theme:

    loginScreenlet.ThemeName = "material"

    If you don’t set this property or enter an invalid or missing Theme, the Screenlet uses its Default Theme. Each Screenlet’s available Themes are listed in the Themes section of the Screenlet’s reference documentation.

Great, that’s it! Now you know how to use Themes to dress up Screenlets in your Xamarin.iOS apps.

Preparing Xamarin Projects for Liferay Screens

Using Screenlets in Xamarin Apps

Using Views in Xamarin.Android

Creating Xamarin Views and Themes

Liferay Screens for Xamarin Troubleshooting and FAQs

« Using Views in Xamarin.AndroidCreating Xamarin Views and Themes »
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