Creating Model Listeners

Model Listeners are used to listen for events on models and do something in response. They’re similar in concept to custom action hooks, which perform actions in response to portal events (user login, for example). Model listeners implement the ModelListener interface.

There are a few steps required to create a model listener for a model included in Liferay’s core:

  • Create a hook plugin project.
  • Write a -ModelListener class that implements the ModelListener interface
  • Specify which model the -ModelListener should listen for in a file
  • Add the designation in liferay-hook.xml

The remainder of the tutorial shows these steps, using the portal’s User entity for illustrative purposes.

Creating a Hook Plugin Project

First, create a hook plugin project in a Liferay Plugins SDK or with Maven.

Once you have a hook plugin, start developing your model listener.

Creating a Model Listener Class

Create a -ModelListener class under the hook’s docroot/WEB-INF/src directory that extends BaseModelListener. You can implement the ModelListener interface directly, but then you need to provide implementations for all its methods. By extending BaseModelListener (an abstract class containing default implementations for the interface methods), you just need to worry about the methods you’re customizing.

package com.liferay.samples.hooks;

import com.liferay.portal.ModelListenerException;
import com.liferay.portal.model.BaseModelListener;
import com.liferay.portal.model.User;

public class MyUserListener extends BaseModelListener<User> {
    public void onAfterCreate(User user) throws ModelListenerException {
    public void onAfterUpdate(User user) throws ModelListenerException {

You’ll probably want to do something more interesting than print the user’s full name in your console after the user is added or updated, but this gives you the idea. You can respond to actions occurring on portal entities by creating model listeners.

The ModelListener interface provides lots of opportunity to listen for model events:


After writing your listener class, there are some Liferay-specific actions you need to take so the portal runs your code.

Modifying liferay-hook.xml

Open docroot/WEB-INF/liferay-hook.xml and add a <portal-properties> element inside the <hook> tags:


The last step is to add your listener class name to the correct property in a file.

Adding the Model Listener as a Portal Property

You have your class created, but Liferay doesn’t know it exists yet. If you don’t yet have one, create a file under docroot/WEB-INF/src. Specify which model to listen for in a value.object.listener property, using this pattern:


The property for the MyUserListener model listener class illustrated above looks like this:

Your model listener is ready to be deployed and tested. There are a few additional points for consideration.

Additional Model Listener Considerations

If you look into the Value Object section of Liferay’s file, you’ll see that there’s already a UserListener class. Among other things, it includes logic for exporting users to an LDAP directory. Adding another model listener on the User entity doesn’t override the portal’s UserListener. Instead, it runs your code after the portal’s UserListener runs. The same is true for any of the other models listed in To override one of the portal’s model listeners, set the model’s value.object.listener property to be blank in the portal’s file and create a model listener hook as described in this tutorial. If you were to clear it out, here’s how the entry would look for the User entity:

You can create model listeners for any of the portal’s entities, using the same process outlined above. If there is no existing listener on the model, your model listener is the only one that runs.

Listening for events on Liferay’s entities is just one of the many interesting ways to customize Liferay’s core functionality with hooks. Keep reading in this section to learn about more of Liferay’s extension points.

Overriding a Portal Service Using a Hook

Performing a Custom Action Using a Hook

Service Builder and Services

« Performing a Custom Action Using a HookOverriding and Adding Struts Actions »
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