Common Plugin Security Pitfalls

As you develop your plugin, you need to anticipate your plugin’s actions in light of Liferay’s secured environment. Liferay’s Plugin Security Manager leverages the Java SE Security Architecture. Therefore, understanding Java SE Security and learning the few requirements that Liferay’s security manager adds on top of it will benefit you as you develop plugins. The extensive Java SE Security Architecture documentation is available for you to read at

This tutorial highlights a couple of common mistakes developers make that violate Liferay’s secured environment:

  • Invoking a method, directly or indirectly, without considering whether the method can throw a security exception.
  • Using external libraries or external frameworks that access classloaders outside of your plugin.

You wouldn’t intentionally make these kinds of mistakes, but it’s easy to make them if you’re not being careful enough. This tutorial considers scenarios that illustrate both of these mistakes and then explains how to avoid making them in your plugin. Security exceptions are presented first.

Handling Security Exceptions

When you’re running on Liferay Portal with the security manager enabled for your plugin, you must only access authorized resources. If you invoke a method declared as throwing a security exception (i.e., java.lang.SecurityException) and you’re not authorized to access the resources the method uses, the method throws the security exception and the Security Manger stops your plugin dead in its tracks. Security exceptions are unchecked, meaning that the compiler doesn’t require your code to handle them. However, since methods that throw security exceptions are declared as throwing them, you should check their signatures while you’re designing your plugin. If the methods your plugin uses throw security exceptions, handle them appropriately with try/catch blocks. Keep in mind that you must handle a method’s security exception regardless of whether your plugin invokes the method directly or indirectly.

For example, you may be using a file utility that calls the canRead method of Since the canRead method can throw a SecurityException, your plugin will violate security if it invokes the utility on a file that you’re not authorized to access. It’s therefore important that you’re aware of all the security exceptions thrown by methods that your plugin invokes, regardless of whether it invokes the methods directly or indirectly.

Operations involving reflection and similar activities can typically throw security exceptions. The Java SE Security documentation explains how to deal with them. In many cases, you can declare your plugin’s permissions to avoid running into these exceptions. Configuring your plugin’s permissions and security policies is covered in the tutorial Building and Testing Your Plugin’s PACL.

Accessing Classloaders

The second common mistake you should avoid is allowing your plugin to bring up classloaders unintentionally, via other frameworks or libraries. Consider the following Spring configuration from a plugin:

<bean id="userServiceBeanFactory"

It declares a factory bean that calls a method on a Liferay class. This seems reasonable, right? Unfortunately, Spring tries to grab the classloader for the factory class. Since the factory class does not belong to the plugin, the security manager balks at the plugin’s attempt to access the classloader for the factory class. The security manager forbids applications from accessing arbitrary classloaders because the classloaders can add, access, and modify classes that your plugin is not authorized to access. Using Spring in this manner violates the secured environment.

How do you get around this issue? You could simply invoke the method directly like this:


But if you insist on using a Spring factory bean, you can do the following:

  1. Write a class inside your plugin to act as a factory. Your factory class should declare a class that wraps the type of instance your factory returns. Your factory should also implement a method that returns the instance, wrapped in the class you declared.

  2. Configure a Spring factory bean that uses your plugin’s factory class.

Here’s what your plugin’s new factory class could look like:

    package test;

    // Add imports here ...

    public class FactoryUtil {

        public static UserLocalService getUserLocalService() {
            TestUserLocalServiceWrapper localServiceWrapper =
                new TestUserLocalServiceWrapper(

            return localServiceWrapper;

        private static class TestUserLocalServiceWrapper
            extends UserLocalServiceWrapper {
            public TestUserLocalServiceWrapper(
                UserLocalService userLocalService) {




The code above declares a factory class named FactoryUtil that resides in a package named test. The factory declares an inner class named TestUserLocalServiceWrapper that extends Liferay’s UserLocalServiceWrapper class. Note, UserLocalServiceWrapper in turn wraps UserLocalService–the class you want the factory to return. Lastly, the getUserLocalService() method uses the original factory method, UserLocalServiceUtil.getService(), to get the UserLocalService instance. This instance is wrapped up in your factory’s TestUserLocalServiceWrapper class. In your plugin, you’ve implemented a factory class to access the instances you want. That wasn’t so difficult, was it?

Your new Spring factory bean would look like the following configuration:

<bean id="userServiceBeanFactory" 

Great! Now you know a couple alternatives to using the troublesome Spring factory bean configuration that accesses a classloader that doesn’t belong to your plugin.

With regards to both of the use cases illustrated in this tutorial, the main point is that you must be aware of the how the libraries you use behave with respect to your secured environment. The better you understand Java SE Security and Liferay’s Plugin Security Management, the easier it is for you to write security-aware plugins. Keeping this in mind, you can now confidently proceed to create plugins!

Setting Permissions

Developing with the Plugins SDK

Developing Plugins with Liferay IDE

Developing with Maven

MVC Portlets

Liferay Faces

« Introduction to Plugin Security and PACLBuilding and Testing Your Plugin's PACL »
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