
In this chapter, we saw how Liferay’s script engine opens up many exciting possibilities for working with Liferay. You can write and execute scripts from Liferay’s Script console in the Control Panel using in a variety of languages including Beanshell, Javascript, Groovy, Python, and Ruby. We learned how you can leverage Liferay’s Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) from any of the popular scripting languages that Liferay supports. We also saw how those scripts could be used to simplify administrative tasks by leveraging the Script console. Next, we discovered how you could enhance workflow by using the power of scripts. Lastly, we saw how you could overcome some of the limitations of running scripts in Liferay by creating custom Java utilities that could be executed from within your scripts.

As you can see, Liferay’s script engine opens up many exciting possibilities for working with Liferay regardless of your language of choice.

« Custom Java Tools in the Script EngineIntroduction to Managing Liferay with Liferay Connected Services »
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