
Development Reference

Here you’ll find Liferay’s reference documentation for Java, JavaScript (including AlloyUI), tag libraries, deployment descriptors, and Liferay Faces.

Java APIs

Portal API(Opens New Window)

Describes Liferay packages and classes for you to use in your Liferay plugins.


Internal API (Opens New Window)

These docs are for those hacking on Liferay's core. Many of the classes referenced in this documentation should not be referenced directly from Liferay plugins.



Portal Taglibs (Opens New Window)

Tag libraries for AlloyUI (Opens New Window), Liferay UI, Liferay themes, Liferay portlets, Liferay security, and standard portlets.


Faces Taglibs(Opens New Window)

The latest version of Liferay Faces JSF tag documentation in View Declaration Language (VDL) format. VDL docs for all versions of Liferay Faces are available at (Opens New Window).


JavaScript & CSS

AlloyUI 2 (Opens New Window)

Liferay includes AlloyUI and all of its JavaScript APIs are available within portlets, templates and themes.


Bootstrap 2.3.2 (Opens New Window)

Liferay uses Bootstrap natively and all of its CSS classes are available within portlets, templates and themes.


Descriptor Definitions

DTDs (Opens New Window)

Describes the XML files used in configuring Liferay apps, Liferay plugins, and Liferay Portal. New Window)

Defines properties used for Liferay plugins. These properties describe the the Liferay plugin, declare its resources, and specify its security related parameters.


Liferay's Deprecation Policy

Methods in Liferay's APIs are deprecated when they're no longer called by Liferay internally. Method deprecation occurs during major and minor releases of Liferay. A change in the first or second digits of consecutive Liferay releases indicates a major or minor release, respectively. For example, the release of Liferay Portal 6.0.0 after 5.2.0 was a major release; whereas the release of 6.2.0 after 6.1.30 was a minor release. Major and minor releases can have API deprecations.

APIs should not be deprecated between maintenance releases. Maintenance releases are signified by a change in the third digit of the release number. For example, the release of Liferay Portal 6.1.30 after 6.1.20 was a maintenance release and therefore should have no API deprecations.

Introduction to Screenlets in Liferay Screens for Android »
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