To include a portlet in a sitemap, you must have its ID. For convenience, IDs for out-of-the-box portlets appear in the Fully Qualified Portlet IDs reference guide. If you’ve installed purchased or developed portlets, you can retrieve their IDs using the Gogo Shell, as this tutorial instructs.
Follow these steps to use the Gogo Shell to retrieve a portlet ID:
Open the Control Panel and go to Configuration → Gogo Shell.
Run the command
lb [app prefix]
, and locate the app’s web bundle. For example, runlb blogs
to find the blogs web bundle.100|Active | 10|Liferay Blogs Web (3.0.7)
Run the command
scr:list [bundle ID]
, and locate the app’s component ID. The blogs portlet entry is shown below. The last number preceding the bundle’s state is the component ID:[ 100] com.liferay.blogs.web.internal.portlet.BlogsPortlet enabled [ 196] [active]
Run the command
scr:info [component ID]
to list the portlet’s information. For example, to list the info for the blogs portlet component, runscr:info 196
. Note that the bundle and/or component ID may be different for your instance. -
Search for
in the
’s value is the portlet ID required for the sitemap. The blogs portlet’s ID is shown = com_liferay_blogs_web_portlet_BlogsPortlet
Figure 1: Portlet IDs can be found via the Gogo Shell.
Related Topics
Defining Portlets in a Sitemap
Preparing and Organizing Web Content for the Resources Importer