Defining the Attributes

Before creating the Screenlet class, you should define its attributes. These are the attributes the app developer can set when inserting the Screenlet’s XML in an activity or fragment layout. For example, to use Login Screenlet, the app developer could insert the following Login Screenlet XML in an activity or fragment layout:


The app developer can set the liferay attributes basicAuthMethod and layoutId to set Login Screenlet’s authentication method and View, respectively. The Screenlet class reads these settings to enable the appropriate functionality.

When creating a Screenlet, you can define the attributes you want to make available to app developers. You do this in an XML file inside your Android project’s res/values directory. For example, Add Bookmark Screenlet’s attributes are defined in the Screenlet’s bookmark_attrs.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <declare-styleable name="AddBookmarkScreenlet">
        <attr name="layoutId"/>
        <attr name="folderId"/>
        <attr name="defaultTitle" format="string"/>

This defines the attributes layoutId, folderId, and defaultTitle. Add Bookmark Screenlet’s Screenlet class adds functionality to these attributes. Here’s a brief description of what each does:

  • layoutId: Sets the View that displays the Screenlet. This functions the same as the layoutId attribute in Liferay’s existing Screenlets.

  • folderId: Sets the folder ID in the Bookmarks portlet where the Screenlet adds bookmarks.

  • defaultTitle: Sets each Bookmark’s default title.

Now that you’ve defined your Screenlet’s attributes, you’re ready to create the Screenlet class.

Creating the UI

Creating the Interactor

Creating the Screenlet Class

Packaging Your Screenlets

« Creating the InteractorCreating the Screenlet Class »
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