When developing iOS projects with Liferay Screens, there are a few best practices that you should follow to ensure your code is as clean and bug-free as possible. This tutorial lists these. Note that this tutorial doesn’t cover Swift coding conventions for contributing to the Liferay Screens project on GitHub. Click here to see these.
Naming Conventions
Using the naming conventions described here leads to consistency and a better understanding of the Screens library. This makes working with your Screenlets much simpler.
Screenlet Folder
Your Screenlet folder’s name should indicate your Screenlet’s functionality. For
Login Screenlet’s folder is named LoginScreenlet
If you have multiple Screenlets that operate on the same entity, you can place
them inside a folder named for that entity. For example,
Asset Display Screenlet
Asset List Screenlet
both work with Liferay assets. They’re therefore in the Screens library’s
Naming Screenlets properly is very important; they’re the main focus of Liferay
Screens. Your Screenlet should be named with its principal action first,
followed by Screenlet. Its Screenlet class should also follow this pattern.
For example,
Login Screenlet’s
principal action is to log users into a Liferay instance. Its Screenlet class is
View Models
You should place View Models in your Screenlet’s root folder and name them
after your Screenlet. For example,
Forgot Password Screenlet’s
View Model is in the
and is named ForgotPasswordViewModel
You should place your Screenlet’s Interactors in a folder named Interactors
your Screenlet’s root folder. You should name each Interactor with its action
first, followed by Interactor. For example,
Rating Screenlet
has three Interactors in
its Interactors
: Deletes an asset’s ratingsLoadRatingsInteractor
: Loads an asset’s ratingsUpdateRatingInteractor
: Updates an asset’s ratings
Name your Connectors with the same naming conventions as Interactors, replacing
Interactor with Connector. If your Connector calls a Liferay service,
precede Connector with Liferay. For example,
the Connector CommentAddLiferayConnector
adds comments to an asset in a Liferay instance. A Connector that retrieves a
webpage’s title from any URL would be called GetWebsiteTitleConnector
Place your Screenlet’s Themes in a folder named Themes in your Screenlet’s
root folder. If you’re creating a group of similarly styled Themes for multiple
Screenlets, however, then you can place them in a separate Themes folder
outside of your Screenlets’ root folders. This is what the Screens Library does
its Default and Flat7 Themes.
The Default
and Flat7
folders each contain similarly styled Themes for
several Screenlets. Also note that each Screenlet’s Theme is in its own folder.
For example,
Forgot Password Screenlet’s
Default Theme is in
the folder Themes/Default/Auth/ForgotPasswordScreenlet
Note that the Auth
folder is the Screenlet’s module. Creating your Screenlets
and Themes in modules isn’t required.
Recall that a Theme consists of an XIB file and a View class. Name these after
your Screenlet, but with View instead of Screenlet. The filenames should
also be suffixed with _yourThemeName
. For example, the XIB file and View class
for Forgot Password Screenlet’s Default theme are
and ForgotPasswordView_default.swift
Avoid Hardcoded Elements
Using constants instead of hard coded elements is a simple way to avoid bugs.
Constants reduce the likelihood that you’ll make a typo when referring to common
elements. They also gather these elements in a single location. For example,
when you
add an action to your Screenlet,
each Screenlet action used as a restorationIdentifier
in the View class is
defined as a constant in the Screenlet class. The Screenlet class’s
method then uses the constants to distinguish between the
actions. If you instead typed each action manually in both places, a typo could
break your Screenlet and would be difficult to track down. Defining the actions
in one place via constants avoids this potentially maddening complication.
Screenlet attributes, like those listed in each Screenlet’s
reference documentation,
are another good example of this. Although you can set these directly in
Interface Builder, it’s better to set them via constants in a plist
file. This
puts all your Screenlets’ attributes in a single location that is also subject
to version control. For instructions on setting attributes in a plist
see the Configuring Communication with Liferay section
of the tutorial on preparing iOS projects for Liferay Screens.
To retrieve these values in your code, you can use the following LiferayServerContext
: Get a property as anAnyObject
: Get a property as anNSNumber
: Get a property as anInt64
: Get a property as anInt
: Get a property as aBool
: Get a property as anNSDate
: Get a property as aString
For example, the following code retrieves the galleryFolderId
value and sets
it to Image Gallery Screenlet’s folderId
@IBOutlet weak var imageGalleryScreenlet: ImageGalleryScreenlet? {
didSet {
imageGalleryScreenlet?.delegate = self
imageGalleryScreenlet?.presentingViewController = self
imageGalleryScreenlet?.repositoryId = LiferayServerContext.groupId
imageGalleryScreenlet?.folderId = LiferayServerContext.longPropertyForKey("galleryFolderId")
Stay in Your Layer
When accessing variables that belong to other Screenlet components, you should
avoid those outside your current Screenlet layer. This achieves better
decoupling between the layers, which tends to reduce bugs and simplify
maintenance. For an explanation of the layers in Liferay Screens, see
the architecture tutorial.
For example, you shouldn’t directly access View variables from an Interactor.
This Interactor’s start
method gets a View instance and accesses its title
public class MyInteractor: Interactor {
override func start() -> Bool {
if let view = self.screenlet.screenletView as? MyView {
let title = view.title
Instead, you should pass the variable to the Interactor’s initializer. The
Interactor now contains its own title
variable, set in its initializer:
public class MyInteractor: Interactor {
public let title: String
//MARK: Initializer
public init(screenlet: BaseScreenlet, title: String) {
self.title = title
super.init(screenlet: screenlet)
The Screenlet class’s createInteractor
method calls this initializer when
creating an instance of the Interactor. Also note that the Screenlet’s View
Model is used to retrieve the View’s title
. As explained in the tutorial
Supporting Multiple Themes in Your iOS Screenlet,
a View Model serves as an abstraction layer for your View, which lets you use
different Themes with a Screenlet:
public class MyScreenlet: BaseScreenlet {
override public func createInteractor(name name: String, sender: AnyObject?) -> Interactor? {
let interactor = MyInteractor(self, title: viewModel.title)
There are, however, a few places where you can break this rule (otherwise it wouldn’t be possible for layers to interact):
The Screenlet class’s
method. To get the user’s input, this method must access the View’s computed properties. -
The Interactor’s
closure in the Screenlet class. Here, you must retrieve the Interactor’s result object. -
When using a Connector, the Interactor’s
method. In this method, you must retrieve the Connector’s result object. -
The Screenlet class’s View Model references. This is required for the Screenlet to communicate with the View.
Related Topics
Supporting Multiple Themes in Your iOS Screenlet