Liferay DXP’s Documents and Media library stores uploaded files so users can use, manage, and share them. For example, users can embed files in content, organize them in folders, edit and collaborate on them with other users, and more. See the user guide for more information on the Documents and Media library’s features.
A powerful API underlies the Documents and Media library’s functionality. You can leverage this API in your own apps. For example, you could create an app that lets users upload files to the Documents and Media library. Your app could even let users update, delete, and copy files.
The tutorials in this section show you how to use the Documents and Media library’s API. Note that this is a large API and it may seem daunting at first. To keep backwards compatibility, the API has different entry points and multiple methods or classes with similar functionality. Fortunately, you don’t need to learn all of them. These tutorials therefore focus on the API’s most useful classes and methods.
Also note that the Documents and Media app is itself a consumer of this API—Liferay’s developers used the API to implement the app’s functionality. Therefore, these tutorials use code from this app as an example of how to use the API.