Recall from the basic Screenlet creation tutorial that a View defines a Screenlet’s UI. To accommodate its list, a list Screenlet’s View is constructed a bit differently than that of a non-list Screenlet. To create a List Screenlet’s View, you’ll create the following components:
- Row Layout: the layout for each list row.
- Adapter Class: an Android adapter class that populates each list row with data.
- View Class: the class that controls the View. This class serves the same purpose in list Screenlets as it does in non-list Screenlets.
- Main Layout: the layout for the list as a whole. Note this is different from the row layout, which defines the UI for individual rows.
First, you’ll create the row layout.
Creating the Row Layout
Before constructing the rest of the View, you should first define the layout to
use for each row in the list. For example, Bookmark List Screenlet needs to
display a bookmark in each row. Its row layout (res/layout/bookmark_row.xml
is therefore a LinearLayout
containing a single TextView
that displays the
bookmark’s URL:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
As you can see, this example is very simple. Row layouts, however, can be as simple or complex as you need them to be to display your content.
Next, you’ll create the adapter class.
Creating the Adapter Class
Android adapters
fill a layout with content. In the example Bookmark List Screenlet, the layout
is the row layout
) and the content is each list item (a URL). To make list
scrolling smooth, the adapter class should use an
Android view holder.
To make this easier, you can extend the list Screenlet framework’s
with your model class and view holder as type arguments. By extending
, your adapter needs only two methods:
: instantiates the view holderfillHolder
: fills in the view holder for each row
Your view holder should also contain variables for any data each row needs to display. The view holder must assign these variables to the corresponding row layout elements, and set the appropriate data to them.
For example, Bookmark List Screenlet’s adapter class (BookmarkAdapter
) extends
with Bookmark
and BookmarkAdapter.BookmarkViewHolder
type arguments. This class’s view holder is an inner class that extends
’s view holder. Since Bookmark List Screenlet only needs to
display a URL in each row, the view holder only needs one variable: url
. The
view holder’s constructor assigns the TextView
from bookmark_row.xml
to this
variable. The bind
method then sets the bookmark’s URL as the TextView
text. The other methods in BookmarkAdapter
leverage the view holder. The
method instantiates BookmarkViewHolder
. The fillHolder
method calls the view holder’s bind
method to set the bookmark’s URL as the
variable’s text:
public class BookmarkAdapter extends BaseListAdapter<Bookmark, BookmarkAdapter.BookmarkViewHolder> {
public BookmarkAdapter(int layoutId, int progressLayoutId, BaseListAdapterListener listener) {
super(layoutId, progressLayoutId, listener);
public BookmarkViewHolder createViewHolder(View view, BaseListAdapterListener listener) {
return new BookmarkAdapter.BookmarkViewHolder(view, listener);
protected void fillHolder(Bookmark entry, BookmarkViewHolder holder) {
public class BookmarkViewHolder extends BaseListAdapter.ViewHolder {
private final TextView url;
public BookmarkViewHolder(View view, BaseListAdapterListener listener) {
super(view, listener);
url = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
public void bind(Bookmark entry) {
Great! Your adapter class is finished. Next, you’ll create the View class.
Creating the View Class
Now that your adapter exists, you can create your list Screenlet’s View class.
Recall from
the basic Screenlet creation tutorial
that the View class is the central hub of any Screenlet’s UI. It renders the UI,
handles user interactions, and communicates with the Screenlet class. The list
Screenlet framework provides most of this functionality for you via
the BaseListScreenletView
Your View class must extend this class to provide your row layout ID and an
instance of your adapter. You’ll do this by overriding BaseListScreenletView
and createListAdapter
methods. Note that in many cases this
is the only custom functionality your View class needs. If it needs more, you
can provide it by creating new methods or overriding other
Create your View class by extending BaseListScreenletView
with your model
class, view holder, and adapter as type arguments. This is required for your
View class to represent your model objects in a view holder, inside an adapter.
For example, Bookmark List Screenlet’s View class (BookmarkListView
) must
represent Bookmark
instances in a BookmarkViewHolder
inside a
. The BookmarkListView
class must therefore extend
parameterized with Bookmark
, and BookmarkAdapter
. Besides overriding
to return a BookmarkAdapter
instance, the only other
functionality that this View class needs to support is to get the layout for
each row in the list. The overridden getItemLayoutId
method does this by
returning the row layout bookmark_row
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
public class BookmarkListView
extends BaseListScreenletView<Bookmark, BookmarkAdapter.BookmarkViewHolder, BookmarkAdapter> {
public BookmarkListView(Context context) {
public BookmarkListView(Context context, AttributeSet attributes) {
super(context, attributes);
public BookmarkListView(Context context, AttributeSet attributes, int defaultStyle) {
super(context, attributes, defaultStyle);
protected BookmarkAdapter createListAdapter(int itemLayoutId, int itemProgressLayoutId) {
return new BookmarkAdapter(itemLayoutId, itemProgressLayoutId, this);
protected int getItemLayoutId() {
return R.layout.bookmark_row;
Next, you’ll create your View’s main layout.
Creating the View’s Main Layout
Although you already created a layout for your list rows, you must still create a layout to define the list as a whole. This layout must contain:
- The View class’s fully qualified name as the layout’s first element.
- An
to let your app efficiently scroll through a potentially large list of items. - An
to indicate progress when loading the list.
Apart from the View class and styling, this layout’s code is the same for all
list Screenlets. For example, here’s Bookmark List Screenlet’s layout
Great job! Your View is finished. Next, you’ll create your Screenlet’s Interactor.