Navigating from a Collection to its Elements

When you get a collection, you can use the response to get an element of that collection. Follow these steps to do so:

  1. Get a collection. This example gets a list of users by sending an authenticated request to the user-accounts collection:

    curl "http://localhost:8080/o/headless-admin-user/v1.0/user-accounts"  -u ''

    Recall from Getting Collections that the response’s items attribute contains the collection elements. In this case, the collection contains two users: Test Test and Javier Gamarra:

        "totalItems": 2,
        "numberOfItems": 2,
        "view": {
              "items": [
                  "alternateName": "test",
                  "birthDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "contactInformation": {},
                  "dashboardURL": "/user/test",
                  "dateCreated": "2019-04-17T20:37:19Z",
                  "dateModified": "2019-04-22T09:56:35Z",
                  "emailAddress": "",
                  "familyName": "Test",
                  "givenName": "Test",
                  "id": 20130,
                  "name": "Test Test",
                  "profileURL": "/web/test",
                  "roleBriefs": [
                      "id": 20108,
                      "name": "Administrator"
                      "id": 20111,
                      "name": "Power User"
                      "id": 20112,
                      "name": "User"
                  "siteBriefs": [
                      "id": 20128,
                      "name": "Global"
                      "id": 20124,
                      "name": "Guest"
                  "alternateName": "nhpatt",
                  "birthDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "contactInformation": {},
                  "dateCreated": "2019-04-22T10:38:36Z",
                  "dateModified": "2019-04-22T10:38:37Z",
                  "emailAddress": "",
                  "familyName": "Gamarra",
                  "givenName": "Javier",
                  "id": 59347,
                  "name": "Javier Gamarra",
                  "roleBriefs": [
                      "id": 20112,
                      "name": "User"
                  "siteBriefs": [
                      "id": 20128,
                      "name": "Global"
                      "id": 20124,
                      "name": "Guest"
              "lastPage": 1,
              "page": 1,
              "pageSize": 20,
              "totalCount": 2
  2. In the response, locate the ID of the element you want and look in the OpenAPI profile for the appropriate GET item endpoint. For example, the user-accounts GET item endpoint is /user-accounts/{userAccountId}.

  3. Send a GET request to that endpoint. For example, this request gets information for the user with the ID 59347 (Javier Gamarra):

    curl "http://localhost:8080/o/headless-admin-user/v1.0/user-accounts/59347"  -u ''

Getting Collections


Making Authenticated Requests

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