Page Hierarchy

Using the Page Hierarchy, you create public and private pages and organize those pages in whatever order or structure that you see fit.

Creating a Page

New pages are created on the BuildPages page in Site Administration. Pages can be created as Public Pages which anyone can view, or Private Pages which can only be viewed by Site Members. To create a new page,

  1. Go to Site Administration for the Site you want to work on, then BuildPages.

Figure 1: In the default site, initially only the Welcome and the hidden Search pages exist in the Public Pages Hierarchy.

Figure 1: In the default site, initially only the *Welcome* and the hidden *Search* pages exist in the Public Pages Hierarchy.

  1. Click Add Add Page and select Public Page.

  2. Select Widget Page.

  3. Set the Name as About Us.

  4. Click Save.

  5. On the next page, note the Show in Public Page Hierarchy Menu selection, leave the defaults and click Save.

Figure 2: When you create a page, by default it is added to the site hierarchy.

Figure 2: When you create a page, by default it is added to the site hierarchy.

Now that the page is created, it appears in the hierarchy, and you can move or organize its position there.

Organizing Pages

Drag and drop pages to reorder their position in the page hierarchy (and subsequently the default navigation that users see), and to nest them as subpages. The page at the top of the list is the Home page that users see automatically when visiting your Site.

  1. Click Go to Site to view the organization of the navigation menu. You can see the order of the pages matches the order of the pages from Site Administration.

Figure 3: You can see the order of pages in Site Administration vs. how they appear on the site.

Figure 3: You can see the order of pages in Site Administration vs. how they appear on the site.

  1. Drag the About Us page above the Welcome page in the list. It automatically becomes the Home page.

  2. Click Go to Site to see how this affects your menu.

Figure 4: About Us is now the home page, and Welcome is second in the nav.

Figure 4: *About Us* is now the home page, and *Welcome* is second in the nav.

  1. Drag About Us on top of Welcome to nest it.

  2. Click Go to Site one more time to see how nested pages appear.

Figure 5: About Us is now nested under Welcome and appear when you mouse-over Welcome.

Figure 5: *About Us* is now nested under *Welcome* and appear when you mouse-over *Welcome*.

As you’ve just demonstrated, organizing pages in the default menu is simple, but very powerful.

Public and Private Pages

As noted above, Private Pages work just like Public Pages, except they can be viewed only by registered members of a Site. In the default configuration, Public Pages are at the URL [web-address]/web/[site-name] while Private Pages are at [web-address]/group/[site-name]. Other than the membership distinctions, Public and Private Pages share the same behavior.

Page Options

While managing the default menu, you can also access page options. Clicking on the Options icon Option accesses several configuration tools:

  • View goes to the selected page on the Site.

  • Configure goes to page configuration.

  • Copy Page creates a new page in the current Site that duplicates the selected page.

  • Permissions opens the Permissions dialog.

  • Orphan Widgets clears data related to widgets that have been removed from the page.

  • Delete deletes the page and all its data.

Creating and managing pages using the page hierarchy is simple but very powerful. If you need more navigation options, however, Navigation Menus provide more flexibility.

« Managing Site NavigationCreating and Managing Navigation Menus »
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