Using Liferay Util Buffer

The buffer tag is not a self-closing tag. The content placed between the opening and closing of this tag is saved to a buffer and its output is assigned to the Java variable declared with the tag’s var attribute. The output is returned as a String, letting you post-process it. For example, you can use this to override a JSP’s existing contents.

The example below saves the link’s generated markup to a buffer and then uses the returned string as the argument for a liferay-ui:message key:

			target="_blank">the Liferay Portal project

		arguments="<%= linkContent %>" 
		translateArguments="<%= false %>" 

Now you know how to use the <liferay-util:buffer> tag to save content to a buffer.

Figure 1: You can use the Liferay Util Buffer tag to save pieces of markup to reuse in your JSP.

Figure 1: You can use the Liferay Util Buffer tag to save pieces of markup to reuse in your JSP.

JSP Overrides Using OSGi Fragments

Using the Liferay Util Param Tag

Using the Liferay Front-End Taglibs

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