OpenID Connect is a lightweight authentication layer built on top of the OAuth 2.0 authorization protocol. It compliments having local accounts by enabling users to authenticate using accounts they have on other systems. Users who avoid signing up for new accounts can then use an account they already have to sign into your website. By using OpenID Connect, you delegate user authentication to other providers, making it easy for users with existing accounts to authenticate to your system.
Because OpenID Connect is built on OAuth 2.0, its token flow is similar. OAuth 2.0 is only an authorization protocol, so it sends an access token that grants access to particular APIs. OpenID Connect adds to this an identity token that passes user information like name and email, provided the user has authenticated and granted permission.
Creating a Client in OpenID Connect Provider
To use OpenID Connect, you must first register it as a client in your provider. This is an OAuth 2.0 client. The process varies by provider:
Navigate to the provider’s website and create a client.
During the creation process, you must supply an authorized redirect URL that can process the tokens sent from the provider. Liferay DXP’s URL is
The provider will send several pieces of information. Some of these, like the Discovery Endpoint, Authorization Endpoint, or Issuer URL are the same regardless of the client. The two pieces of information unique to your request are the
and theclient_secret
Collect the information from the provider. You’ll need it create the provider next.
Configuring an OpenID Connect Provider Connection
Go to Control Panel → Configuration → System Settings → Security → SSO and select OpenID Connect Provider under the System Scope and follow these steps:
Add the provider by clicking the Add button.
Use the information you received from the provider to fill out the form:
Provider Name: This name appears in the Sign-In Portlet when users use OpenID Connect to log in.
OpenID Client ID: Provide the OAuth 2.0 Client ID you received from your provider.
OpenID Connect Client Secret: Provide the OAuth 2.0 Client Secret you received from your provider.
Scopes: Leave the default, which requests the user name and the email. Your provider may offer other scopes of user information.
Discovery Endpoint: Other URLs may be obtained from this URL, and they vary by provider.
Authorization Endpoint: This URL points to the provider’s URL for authorizing the user (i.e., signing the user in).
Issuer URL: The provider’s URL that points to information about the provider who is issuing the user information.
JWKS URI: A URL that points to the provider’s JSON Web Key Set that contains the public keys that can verify the provider’s tokens.
ID Token Signing Algorithms: Set the supported ID token algorithms manually. Normally, this is “discovered” at the discovery endpoint. You can add as many of these as you need.
Subject Types: A Subject Identifier is a unique and never reassigned identifier the provider uses to establish who the user is, and is consumed by the client (i.e., Liferay DXP). There are two types: public (provides the same value to all clients) and private (provides a different value to each client).
Token Endpoint: The provider’s URL where tokens can be requested.
User Information Endpoint: The OAuth 2.0 protected URL from which user information can be obtained.
Once you’ve filled out the form, click Save, and you’re ready to enable OpenID Connect authentication.
Enabling OpenID Connect Authentication
Go to Control Panel → Configuration → System Settings → Security → SSO and select OpenID Connect under Virtual Instance Scope.
Click the Enabled check box, and then click Save.
Note: You can also enable OpenID Connect authentication for the given virtual instance through the Control Panel → Configuration → Instance Settings → OpenID Connect tab.
Now users can sign in with OpenID Connect.
Signing In With OpenID Connect
There’s a new link in the Sign-In Portlet for signing in with OpenID Connect:
From the Sign-In Portlet, click the OpenID Connect link at the bottom.
Choose a provider and click Sign In.
This takes you to your provider’s sign in page. Enter your credentials and log in.
Upon successful authentication, you’re redirected back to Liferay DXP in an authenticated state.
OpenID is a standards-based, secure way to authenticate users from other systems.