
Tracking Custom Assets

Liferay Analytics Cloud can detect and analyze built-in Liferay DXP assets like Forms, Blogs, Documents and Media, and Web Content. To analyze assets in your custom app, however, you must tag your app’s HTML so the Analytics Cloud JavaScript plugin can detect and track user interaction with your assets.

Asset Events

The Analytics Cloud JavaScript plugin contains the following events that you can track:

AssetClicked: User clicks the asset area. Also carries information about the tag clicked.

AssetDepthReached: Scroll event in the asset area. Also carries information about the content depth the user reached (e.g., how far down a blog post the user scrolled).

AssetViewed: User views the asset.

AssetDownloaded: User clicks a link that downloads the asset.

AssetSubmitted: Form submission in the asset area. This requires an input type of submit to be placed under an HTML form element.

Required Metadata

You must have the following information to enable tracking for a custom entity. You must specify this information in HTML via the attributes listed:

Asset Type (String): The asset type to track. The HTML attribute for this is data-analytics-asset-type. Note that the value for this attribute is not your entity’s exact type. For custom entities, this value is always custom.

Asset ID (String): The asset’s unique identifier. The HTML attribute for this is data-analytics-asset-id.

Asset Category (String, Optional): The category of the custom app that contains the asset. The HTML attribute for this is data-analytics-asset-category. You can use this to identify the custom app by name (e.g., “polls”). Note that within a category, all asset IDs must be unique.

Asset Title (String, Optional): The asset’s title. The HTML attribute for this is data-analytics-asset-title.

Tracking Asset Events

For example, if you want to track a poll in a custom Polls app, you might use HTML like this:

<h1> What's your favorite food? </h1>
<form action="/submit.php">
  <input type="radio" id="sushi" name="food" value="Sushi"
  <label for="sushi">Sushi</label>
  <input type="radio" id="pizza" name="food" value="Pizza">
  <label for="pizza">Pizza</label>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

To track this poll’s events, add the above attributes to the div:

<div data-analytics-asset-type="custom"
  data-analytics-asset-title="What is your favorite food Poll">

<h1> What's your favorite food? </h1>

Note that you must add these attributes to each individual asset that you want Analytics Cloud to track. However, you can populate the attributes’ values via a script, therefore automating this process for each asset.

Tracking Downloads

To track downloads, you must tag the element that triggers the action with this attribute:


For example, here’s the above poll with a download link for a PDF file that contains the poll’s instructions:

<div data-analytics-asset-type="custom"
  data-analytics-asset-title="What is your favorite food Poll">

<a href="/poll-instructions.pdf" data-analytics-asset-action="download">Download the Poll Instructions </a>

<h1> What's your favorite food? </h1>

Asset Framework

Liferay Analytics Cloud Admin Guide

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