Developing an Ext Module

You can create your own Ext module project by

  • Declaring the original module name and version.
  • Providing the source code that will replace the original.

To declare the original module in the build.gradle file properly (only supports Gradle), you must specify the original module’s Bundle Symbolic Name and the original module’s exact version. For example, overriding the com.liferay.login.web module would be configured like this:

originalModule group: "com.liferay", name: "com.liferay.login.web", version: "3.0.4"

If you’re leveraging Liferay Workspace, you should put your Ext module project in the /ext folder (default); you can specify a different Ext folder name in workspace’s by adding


If you are developing an Ext module project in standalone mode (not associated with Liferay Workspace), you must declare the Ext Gradle plugin in your build.gradle:

apply plugin: 'com.liferay.osgi.ext.plugin'

Then you must provide your own code intended to replace the original one. Be sure to mimic the original module’s folder structure when overriding its JAR.

The following file types can be overlaid with an Ext module:

  • CSS
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Language files (
  • Scss
  • Soy
  • etc.

The Ext Gradle Plugin helps compile your code into the JAR. For example, .scss files are compiled into .css files, which are included in your module’s JAR file artifact. This is done by the buildCSS task.

Once you’re finished developing your Ext module, you must deploy it. Continue on to learn how.

« Creating an Ext ModuleDeploying an Ext Module »
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