Now that you’ve prepared for installing Liferay DXP, you can install and deploy it! This involves uncompressing the archive (the 7-Zip or gzip bundle file), possibly copying a JDBC driver to your application server, and starting the application server. Lastly, Liferay DXP provides a setup wizard to configure portal essentials.
Extracting a Liferay DXP Bundle
Extract your Liferay DXP bundle to the appropriate location on your server. This folder is the Liferay Home.
Installing the JDBC Driver
If you’re using a supported open source database or if you’re setting up
Liferay DXP to use the embedded HSQL database for demo purposes, you can skip this
step. Otherwise, copy your database’s JDBC driver .jar
file to the folder your
application server documentation specifies. On Tomcat, for example, the driver
belongs in the [Tomcat]/lib/ext
Running Liferay DXP for the First Time
Start your application server using the start script bundled with your
application server. For example, the Tomcat bundle provides the
script in $CATALINA_HOME/bin
The first time Liferay DXP starts, it creates all of its database tables. On completing startup, it launches a web browser that displays the Basic Configuration page (the setup wizard). If for some reason your browser doesn’t load the Basic Configuration page automatically, open your browser and navigate to your app server’s address and port (for example, http://localhost:8080).
Using the Setup Wizard
The Basic Configuration page provides a convenient way to configure these things:
- Portal name and default locale
- Administrator user
- Database
Figure 1: Supply the information for your portal and your portal's default administrator user on the Basic Configuration page.
Supply this basic portal information:
Portal Name: name the installation you’re powering with Liferay DXP.
Default Language: choose your portal’s default locale and click the Change button. This immediately localizes your portal content, including the Basic Configuration page.
Time Zone: select your Liferay DXP instance’s default time zone.
Administrator User
For the administrator, supply the following information:
First Name: the default administrator user’s first name
Last Name: the default administrator user’s last name
Email: the default administrator user’s email address
This section lets you connect to Liferay DXP’s built-in data source.
HSQL is selected as the default database, but it’s primarily for demonstration or trial purposes.
Click the Change link if you want to use Liferay DXP’s built-in data source and configure it to use the database you created earlier.
The database configuration section also has an Add Sample Data checkbox for adding sample data to your database. This data includes Users, Sites, and Organizations for demo purposes. If you’re installing Liferay DXP on your own machine to explore features, the sample data may be useful. If, however, you’re installing Liferay DXP on a real server, start with a clean system by leaving this checkbox unselected.
Once you’ve filled out the Basic Configuration form, click Finish
Configuration. The setup wizard creates a
file which stores the settings
that you entered. When you begin customizing your portal’s configuration,
however, use a
Portal properties reference documentation
lists the default properties and describes all the properties you can set for
Liferay DXP.
On finishing basic configuration, Liferay DXP prompts you to restart your server. When you restart your application server, Liferay DXP initializes the database you specified.
Now that Liferay DXP is up and running, you can continue configuring it as desired. Here are some suggestions:
Configure your mail session, if you haven’t already configured it.
Install the Marketplace plugin, if it isn’t already installed. If your machine has restricted access to the public network or if you restricted the Liferay DXP database user’s permissions after initializing the database (not recommended), you can still set up Marketplace by following the Marketplace setup instructions.
Read the Configuring Liferay DXP articles for guidance in configuring Liferay DXP’s default time zone, locales, logging, search engine, document repository, and more.
You’re on your way to providing your organization with terrific experiences on Liferay DXP.