Pruning the Database

Accumulating unneeded site data is common. For example, you may have many unused versions of Web Content articles or Documents and Media files. If you’re done revising them and don’t need the intermediate revisions, you can remove them. This saves you space and upgrade time. Here you’ll remove unneeded data and then test your server.

Remove Duplicate Web Content Structure Field Names

If you’ve used Web Content Management extensively, you might have structures without unique field names. Find and remove duplicate field names before upgrading. If you upgraded to Liferay Portal 6.2 previously and skipped doing this, you’ll encounter this error:

19:29:35,298 ERROR [main][VerifyProcessTrackerOSGiCommands:221] com.liferay.portal.verify.VerifyException:$MustNotDuplicateFieldName: The field name page cannot be defined more than once
com.liferay.portal.verify.VerifyException:$MustNotDuplicateFieldName: The field name page cannot be defined more than once

If this is the case, roll back to your previous backup of Liferay Portal 6.2 and find and remove duplicate field names.

Find and Remove Unused Objects

In the UI or using database queries, identify unused objects. Then remove them via Liferay’s UI or using Liferay’s API through the script console or a portlet you create.

Here are some common places to check for unused objects.

Objects From the Large/Populated Tables

Table rows are mapped to Liferay DXP objects. Large tables with many records might contain lots of unused objects. The greater the table size and the records per table, the longer upgrading takes.

Finding and removing unused objects associated with such tables reduces upgrade times. Your data import log (from the previous step) can provide valuable table information. Database engines show this information in different ways. Your database import log might look like this:

Processing object type SCHEMA\_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE\_DATA

imported "LIFERAY"."JOURNALARTICLE" 13.33 GB 126687 rows

imported "LIFERAY"."RESOURCEPERMISSION" 160.9 MB 1907698 rows

imported "LIFERAY"."PORTLETPREFERENCES" 78.13 MB 432285 rows

imported "LIFERAY"."LAYOUT" 52.05 MB 124507 rows

imported "LIFERAY"."ASSETENTRY" 29.11 MB 198809 rows

imported "LIFERAY"."MBMESSAGE" 24.80 MB 126185 rows

imported "LIFERAY"."PORTALPREFERENCES" 4.091 MB 62202 rows

imported "LIFERAY"."USER\_" 17.32 MB 62214 rows


Several items stand out in the example database import:

  • The JOURNALARTICLE table makes up 98% of the database size.
  • There are many RESOURCEPERMISSION records.
  • There are many PORTLETPREFERENCES records.

Search for unused objects associated with the tables that stand out and use Liferay’s API (e.g., the UI or script console) to delete the objects.

Common Object Types Worth Checking

Some object types should be checked for unused objects. Here are some reasons for checking them:

  • Removing them frees related unused objects for removal
  • They’re version objects that aren’t worth keeping

Check these object types:

  • Sites: Remove sites you don’t need. When you remove a site, remove its related objects:

    • Layouts

    • Portlet preferences

    • File entries (document library objects)

    • Asset Entries

    • Tags

    • Vocabularies and categories

    • Expando fields and their values

    • ResourcePermission objects

    • (and everything else)

  • Instances: Unused instances are rare, but since they are the highest object in the hierarchy, removing their objects can optimize upgrades considerably:

    • Sites (and all their related content)

    • Users

    • Roles

    • Organizations

    • Global ResourcePermission objects

  • Intermediate web content versions: Liferay DXP generates a new web content version after any modification (including translations). Consider removing versions you don’t need. Removing a Journal Article, for example, also removes related objects such as image files (JournalArticleImage) that are part of the content. Removing unneeded image files frees space in your database and file system. For more details, see Example: Removing Intermediate Journal Article Versions.

  • Document versions: As with Journal Articles, if you don’t need intermediate document versions, delete them. This saves space both in the database and on the file system, space that no longer needs to be upgraded.

  • Layouts: Layouts are site pages, and they affect upgrade performance because they relate to other entities such as portlet preferences, permissions, assets, ratings, and more. Remove unneeded layouts.

  • Roles: Remove any Roles you don’t need. Deleting them also deletes related ResourceBlockPermission and ResourcePermission objects.

  • Users: If you have Users that aren’t active anymore, remove them.

  • Vocabularies: Remove any unused vocabularies. Note that removing a vocabulary also removes its categories.

  • Orphaned data: Check for unused objects that are not connected to anything. Here are some examples:

    • DLFileEntries with no file system data.

    • ResourcePermission objects associated to a Role, Layout, User, portlet instance, etc. that no longer exists.

    • PortletPreference objects associated with a portlet or layout that no longer exists. This is common in environments with many embedded portlets. These portlet instances have a different lifecycle and aren’t deleted when the portlet is removed from a template.

If you want to see an example of removing intermediate object versions, read Example: Removing Intermediate Journal Article Versions and then return here.

Next, you’ll test Liferay DXP with its pruned database.

Test with the Pruned Database Copy

Find and resolve any issues related to the objects you removed. You can always restart pruning a new copy of your production database if you can’t resolve an issue.

Once you’ve successfully tested Liferay DXP with its pruned database copy, you can upgrade the database to Liferay DXP 7.2.

« Test Upgrading a Liferay DXP Backup CopyExample: Removing Intermediate Journal Article Versions »
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