Managing LCS Servers

Clicking a server in the Dashboard or environment view takes you to the server view. Server view provides detailed information about a server. To protect your users’ privacy, LCS doesn’t gather, store, or analyze user data.

Server view is segmented into six tabs:

Page Analytics: This service has been disabled, if you enabled it earlier you can see here the past history for metrics on page views and load times.

Snapshot Metrics: This service has been disabled, if you enabled it earlier you can see here the past history for application, JVM, and server metrics.

Fix Packs: This service has been disabled, if you enabled it earlier you can see here the past history for the server’s available and installed fix packs.

Portal Properties: This service has been disabled, if you enabled it earlier you can see here the past history for your portal’s properties and their settings.

Details: Displays general information about your Liferay DXP installation, Java version, and hardware.

Server Settings: View or change your server’s name, location, and description. You can also unregister the server from LCS.


The Details tab shows general information about your server. There are three tabs under Details: Software, Java, and Hardware. Each shows information, respectively, about your Liferay DXP installation, Java installation, and hardware. This information is useful to the Liferay Support team in the event you need their assistance.

Figure 1: The Details tab shows information about your server.

Figure 1: The Details tab shows information about your server.

Server Settings

Finally, the Server Settings tab lets you view and edit your server’s name, location, and description. You can also unregister your server from LCS.

Figure 2: You can use the Server Settings tab to give your server a fun name.

Figure 2: You can use the Server Settings tab to give your server a fun name.

Page Analytics

Page Analytics appears by default when you enter server view. Page Analytics shows page views and load times for the selected site and time period. By default, all sites are selected. You can select a specific site from the Site selector menu. You can also select a different time period in the Period and Ending At fields. The arrows next to the Ending At field move the selected time period up or down, respectively, by one period. For example, if you select One Hour in the Period field, pressing the right arrow next to Ending At moves the selected time period up by one hour. Note that at the beginning of the current time period, it can take up to 15 minutes for data to become available. Also note that data is available for three months from the time LCS collected it.

By default, load times and page views for all pages are plotted against time in separate graphs. Below these graphs, a table displays summary statistics of data over the same time period, for each page. If you click a page in the table, the graphs plot the data for just that page. If you can’t find the page you’re looking for, you can search for it in the Search box at the top of the table. To plot data for all pages again, click the All Pages row at the bottom of the table.

Load times are also color coded to indicate speed. The Load Times graph’s background is red for values above 3,000 ms, orange for values from 2,000 to 3,000 ms, and green for values less than 2,000 ms. Likewise, the table displays all load times greater than 3,000 ms in red text.

Figure 3: The Page Analytics interface in the LCS Server view.

Figure 3: The Page Analytics interface in the LCS Server view.

Snapshot Metrics

To view other metrics and statistics of your server’s performance, click the Snapshot Metrics tab near the top of the page. These metrics are broken down into three main categories: Application, JVM, and Server. Application is selected by default when you click the Snapshot Metrics button.

The Application category also has three other categories: Pages, Portlets, and Cache. Pages lists the frequency that specific pages load, along with their average load times. Portlets lists the same statistics, but for specific portlets in your server. The Cache category lists Liferay Single VM metrics and Hibernate metrics. The following screenshot shows the statistics in the Portlets category.

Figure 4: The LCS application metrics show portlet performance statistics, like frequency of use and average load time.

Figure 4: The LCS application metrics show portlet performance statistics, like frequency of use and average load time.

The JVM category, as its name indicates, shows statistics about the JVM running on your server. This includes data on the garbage collector and memory. The number of runs, total time, and average time are listed for each garbage collector item. The memory metrics are presented in a bar chart that shows the usage of the PS Eden Space, Code Cache, Compressed Class Space, PS Old Gen, PS Survivor Space, and Metaspace.

Figure 5: The LCS JVM metrics show performance data for memory and the garbage collector.

Figure 5: The LCS JVM metrics show performance data for memory and the garbage collector.

Server is the third category in Snapshot Metrics. The Server category shows additional information about how your server is running. For example, horizontal bar graphs show the number of current threads running on your server, as well as the JDBC connection pools.

Figure 6: The LCS server metrics show current threads and JDBC connection pools.

Figure 6: The LCS server metrics show current threads and JDBC connection pools.

Note that in Snapshot Metrics, the application and garbage collector metrics are based on data collected by LCS from server registration to the present. Memory and server metrics, however, show only the current state.

Fix Packs

To view your server’s fix packs, click the Fix Packs tab near the top of the page. The available and installed fix packs appear in separate tables. The available fix packs table functions exactly like the Fix Packs table in environment view for downloading and installing fix packs.

Figure 7: The Fix Packs tab displays your servers available and installed fix packs.

Figure 7: The Fix Packs tab displays your server's available and installed fix packs.

Portal Properties

The Portal Properties tab lets you view your portal’s property values in a searchable table. This gives you a convenient display for your portal property settings. The properties in this table are organized into the following categories:

Default Values: The default values for your portal’s properties.

Custom Values: Any custom values you’ve set for your portal’s properties. This includes any property values you change via a file.

Dynamic Properties: Any property values set at runtime. For example, the Liferay Home folder’s location depends on your configuration. To specify this folder when setting any properties that require it, use ${liferay.home} instead of an absolute directory path.

You can display any combination of these categories by selecting the corresponding checkboxes from the gear icon next to the search box at the top-right of the table. For example, by checking the Show Default Values and Show Custom Values checkboxes, the table shows your portal’s default and custom property values. To show only the custom values, select only Show Custom Values.

Figure 8: Click the gear icon to select the type of portal properties to show in the table.

Figure 8: Click the gear icon to select the type of portal properties to show in the table.

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