Localizing Your Widget

Follow the steps below to learn how to localize your widget:

  1. If you didn’t choose to use localization when you generated the bundle, follow this step to enable it in your bundle now, otherwise you can skip this step. Create a /features/localization folder in your project and add a Language.properties file to it. Add a create-jar.features.localization key to your .npmbuildrc file that points to the Language.properties file. An example configuration is shown below:

    { “create-jar”: { “output-dir”: “dist”, “features”: { “js-extender”: true, “web-context”: “/my-test-js-widget”, “localization”: “features/localization/Language”, “settings”: “features/settings.json” } }, … }

  2. Configure the Language.properties file and provide the localized property files (e.g. Language_[locale].properties) with the language keys for each available translation. The JavaScript based widget configuration is shown below:

    javax.portlet.title.my_js_portlet_project=My JS widget Project porlet-namespace=Porlet Namespace context-path=Context Path portlet-element-id=Portlet Element Id configuration=Configuration fruit=Favourite fruit fruit-help=Choose the fruit you like the most an-orange=An orange a-pear=A pear an-apple=An apple

  3. Retrieve a language key’s localized value in JavaScript with the Liferay.Language.get('key') method.

Great! Now you know how to localize your widget!

« Configuring System Settings and Instance Settings for Your JavaScript WidgetConfiguring Portlet Properties for Your JS Widget »
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