To learn how to use segmentation, you’ll step through an example for defining two segments for a site. The segments use user data like the Job Title field and organization membership for evaluating segments. The first Segment you’ll create, American Engineers, uses standard fields as criteria.
To get started, navigate to the Segments page.
Go to Site Administration for the Bank site.
Open the People section and select Segments.
Creating a Custom Segment
On the Segments page, you’ll see a list of all the currently available segments, if they’re available. Create a segment named American Engineers for employees of your company.
Click the Add button (
) button.
Click in the top text area and enter the name American Engineers.
Open the User tab in the right side Properties menu and drag the Job Title property to the Conditions area.
Click on the operator field and set it to contains.
Click on the text field and enter Engineer.
Figure 1: Setting the comparator to *contains* includes variations of "Engineer" like "Software Engineer" in the segment.
Open the Organization properties and drag over an Organization field.
Set the comparator between User Properties and Organization Properties to And.
Set the Organization field to be equals and select the organization.
Figure 2: You can prevent typos by directly selecting Organizations through the interface.
Click Save to save your Segment.
As you edit, a count of members meeting the criteria appears at the top of the page. You can click on View Members to see the list. This helps you determine if you are correctly defining the Segment.
Figure 3: You can view the list of Segment members at any time.
Managing Segments
After you create your Segment, you can see it in the list of Segments on the People → Segments page. From there you can edit the segment, delete it, or change the permissions for it. You cannot delete a segment if it’s being used in an experience. Also, changing permissions only affects who has access to manage the Segment; it doesn’t change Segment membership or criteria.
Go to People → Segments.
Click the Actions button (
) next to the American Engineers.
You can manage the options here. You can also click on the Segment’s name to edit it.
Figure 4: You can edit, delete or manage permissions from the options menu.
Next, you’ll define a Custom Field and use it as part of your Segmentation criteria.