Customizing the Configuration User Interface

There are three ways to customize a configuration UI.

  • Provide a custom form for a configuration object. This modifies the auto-generated UI.

  • Write a completely custom configuration UI. This is useful especially if you aren’t using the Configuration Admin service or any of Liferay’s Configuration APIs.

  • Exclude a configuration object. You’ll want this option if you’re using a configuration interface but don’t wan’t a UI generated for you.

Providing Custom Configuration Forms

Customize your auto-generated UI by implementing the ConfigurationFormRender interface. To write this interface, you must refer to your configuration interface. For this example, refer to this configuration interface from Liferay’s Currency Converter application:

@ExtendedObjectClassDefinition(category = "localization")
    id = "com.liferay.currency.converter.web.configuration.CurrencyConverterConfiguration",
    localization = "content/Language",
    name = "currency-converter-configuration-name"
public interface CurrencyConverterConfiguration {

    @Meta.AD(deflt = "GBP|CNY|EUR|JPY|USD", name = "symbols", required = false)
    public String[] symbols();

This example defines one configuration option, symbols, which takes an array of values.

Implement ConfigurationFormRenderer’s three methods:

  1. getPid: Return the configuration object’s ID. This is defined in the id property in the *Configuration class’s @Meta.OCD annotation.

  2. getRequestParameters: Read the parameters sent by the custom form and put them in a Map whose keys should be the method names of the Configuration interface.

  3. render: Render the custom form’s fields, using your desired method (for example, JSPs or another template mechanism). The <form> tag itself is provided automatically and shouldn’t be included in the ConfigurationFormRenderer.

Here’s a complete ConfigurationFormRenderer implementation:

@Component(immediate = true, service = ConfigurationFormRenderer.class)
public class CurrencyConverterConfigurationFormRenderer
    implements ConfigurationFormRenderer {

    public String getPid() {
        return "com.liferay.currency.converter.web.configuration.CurrencyConverterConfiguration";

    public void render(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
            throws IOException {
        String formHtml = "<input name=\"mysymbols\" />";

        PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter();



    public Map<String, Object> getRequestParameters(
            HttpServletRequest request) {

        Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();

        String[] mysymbols = ParamUtil.getParameterValues(request, "mysymbols");

        params.put("symbols", mysymbols);

        return params;

The above example generates a custom rendering (HTML) for the form in the render() method and reads the information entered in the custom form in the getRequestParameters() method.

To see a complete demonstration, including JSP markup, read the dedicated tutorial on creating a configuration form renderer.

Creating a Completely Custom Configuration UI

You get more flexibility if you create a completely custom UI using a ConfigurationScreen implementation.

At a high level you must

  1. Write a Component that declares itself an implementation of the ConfigurationScreen interface.

  2. Implement ConfigurationScreen’s methods.

  3. Create the UI by hand.

Here’s an example implementation:

@Component(immediate = true, service = ConfigurationScreen.class) 
public class SampleConfigurationScreen implements ConfigurationScreen {

First declare the class an implementation of ConfigurationScreen.

public String getCategoryKey() { 

    return "third-party"; 


public String getKey() { 

    return "sample-configuration-screen"; 


public String getName(Locale locale) { 

    return "Sample Configuration Screen"; 


Second, set the category key, the configuration entry’s key, and its localized name. This example puts the configuration entry, keyed sample-configuration-screen, into the third-party System Settings section. The String that appears in System Settings is Sample Configuration Screen.

public String getScope() { 

    return "system"; 


Third, set the configuration scope.

public void render(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) 
        throws IOException {

    _jspRenderer.renderJSP( _servletContext, request, response,


@Reference private JSPRenderer _jspRenderer;

    target ="(osgi.web.symbolicname=com.liferay.currency.converter.web)", 
    unbind = "-")
private ServletContext _servletContext;

The most important step is to write the render method. This example relies on the JSPRenderer service to delegate rendering to a JSP.

It’s beyond the scope of this tutorial to write the JSP markup. A separate tutorial will provide a complete demonstration of the ConfigurationScreen and implementation and the JSP markup to demonstrate its usage.

Excluding a Configuration UI

If you don’t want a UI to be generated for you, you have two options.

  • If you don’t want a UI generated no matter what, use the generateUI property.

  • If you only want the UI to render under specific circumstances (defined by logic you’ll write yourself), use the configuration visibility SPI.

Using generateUI

To turn off auto-generating at all scopes, include the ExtendedObjectClassDefinition annotation property generateUI in your configuration interface. The property defaults to true; here is an example setting it to false:

  id = "",
public interface LowLevelConfiguration {

  public String[] foo();
  public String bar();


Now no UI is auto-generated for this configuration. You can still manage the configuration via a ConfigurationScreen implementation, a .config file, or programmatically.

Using the Configuration Visibility SPI

The configuration visibility SPI involves implementing a single interface, ConfigurationVisibilityController. You can see the whole interface here.

To implement the interface, you must identify your configuration interface using an @Component property, then write your own logic for the interface’s only method, isVisible. Here is a sample implementation from Liferay’s source code:

	immediate = true,
	property = "",
	service = ConfigurationVisibilityController.class
public class SharingCompanyConfigurationVisibilityController
	implements ConfigurationVisibilityController {

	public boolean isVisible(
		ExtendedObjectClassDefinition.Scope scope, Serializable scopePK) {

		SharingConfiguration systemSharingConfiguration =

		return systemSharingConfiguration.isEnabled();

	private SharingConfigurationFactory _sharingConfigurationFactory;


Note that the property identifies the configuration interface of the UI to be hidden. In this example, the configuration UI only renders when systemSharingConfiguration.isEnabled returns true.

« Reading Unscoped Configuration Values from a ComponentConfiguration Form Renderer »
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