
The Export/Import feature exports content from the portal and imports external content into the portal. Your application is much more site administrator-friendly if users can export/import your application’s assets. For example, if you want to export your application’s assets to use on another installation or you must clear its data but save a copy, you can implement the export feature. Implementing the import feature lets you bring your assets/data back into your application.

Here’s what you’ll learn to do with the Export/Import framework:

  • Create Staged Models
  • Develop Portlet Data Handlers
  • Develop Staged Model Data Handlers
  • Provide entity-specific local services for Export/Import framework
  • Listen to export/import events
  • Initiate new export/import processes programmatically

Staged Models

To track an entity of an application with the Export/Import framework, you must implement the StagedModel interface in the app’s model classes. It provides the behavior contract for entities during the Export/Import and Staging processes. There are two ways to create staged models for your application’s entities:

Using Service Builder to generate your staged models is the easiest way to create staged models for your app. You define the necessary columns in your service.xml file and set the uuid attribute to true. Then you run Service Builder, which generates the required code for your new staged models.

Implementing the necessary staged model logic manually should be done if you don’t want to extend your model with special attributes only required to generate Staging logic (i.e., not needed by your business logic). In this case, you should adapt your business logic to meet the Staging framework’s needs.

See the Developing Staged Models section for more information on the Staged Model architecture.

Data Handlers

You must implement Data Handlers to use the Export/Import framework to process LAR files in your application. There are two types of data handlers:

  • Portlet Data Handlers
  • Staged Model Data Handlers

A Portlet Data Handler imports/exports portlet specific data to a LAR file. These classes query and coordinate between staged model data handlers. They also configure the Export/Import and Staging UI options.

A Staged Model Data Handler supplies information about a staged model (entity) to the Export/Import framework, defining a display name for the UI, deleting an entity, etc. It also exports referenced content.

Visit the Developing Data Handlers section for more information.

Provide Entity Specific Local Services

When creating data handlers, you must leverage your app’s local services to perform Export/Import and Staging related tasks for its entities. When these frameworks operate on entities (i.e., staged models), it often cannot manage important information from the entity’s local services alone; instead, you’re forced to reinvent basic functionality so the framework can access it. This is caused by services not sharing a common ancestor (i.e., interface or base class).

The Staged Model Repository framework removes this barrier by linking an app’s staged model to a local service.

Figure 1: Staged Model Repositories provide a Staging-specific layer of functionality for your local services.

Figure 1: Staged Model Repositories provide a Staging-specific layer of functionality for your local services.

This lets the Staging framework call a staged model repository independently based on the entity being processed. This gives you access to entity-specific methods tailored specifically for the staged model data you’re handling.

Export/Import Event Listeners

The ExportImportLifecycleListener framework is for listening for certain staging or export/import events (like export successes and import failures) during the publication process so you can take some action. You can also listen for processes comprised of many events and take action when these processes are initiated. For example, you can listen for when

  • Staging has started
  • A portlet export has failed
  • An entity export has succeeded

After an event is triggered, you can take an action like these:

  • Print information about the event to your console
  • When an import process has completed, clear the cache.

For a complete list of events you can listen for, see ExportImportLifecycleConstants.

You must extend one of the two Base listener classes:

  • BaseExportImportLifecycleListener: listens for specific events during a lifecycle. For example, if a layout export fails, you might take some action.

  • BaseProcessExportImportLifecycleListener: listens for processes during a lifecycle. A process usually consists of many individual events. For example, if a site publication fails, you might take some action. Methods provided by this base class are only run once when the desired process action occurs.

What’s the difference between events and processes?

Events: particular actions that occur during processing (example event listener: CacheExportImportLifecycleListener).

Processes: longer running groups of events (example process listener: ExportImportProcessCallbackLifecycleListener).

Use the listener type that is most appropriate for your use case.

Export/Import Processes

You can start the process programmatically instead of through the UI. This lets you provide new interfaces or mimic the functionality of these features in your own application.

To initiate an export/import or staging process, you must pass in an ExportImportConfiguration object. This object encapsulates many parameters and settings that are required while the export/import is running. Having one single object with all your necessary data makes executing these frameworks quick and easy.

For example, when implementing export, you must call services offered by the ExportImportService interface. All the methods in this interface require an ExportImportConfiguration object. You can generate these configuration objects, so you can easily pass them in your service methods.

There are three factory classes that are useful to create an ExportImportConfiguration object:

There are two important service interfaces that primarily use ExportImportConfiguration objects for exporting, importing, and staging: ExportImportLocalService and StagingLocalService.

It’s also important to know that ExportImportConfiguration is a Liferay DXP entity, similar to User or Group. This means that the ExportImportConfiguration framework offers local and remote services, models, persistence classes, and more.

« Introduction to Content Publication ManagementDeveloping Staged Models »
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