Developing A Fragment Using Desktop Tools

You can develop a fragment using any preferred desktop tools. Since the Fragment is HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you could use a text editor or a specialized tool with its own built in previews.

Collection Format

To import a Collection into Liferay DXP, it must be archived in a .zip with the contents in the following format:

  • collection.json: a text file which describes your collection with the format {"name":"<collection-name>","description":"<collection-description>"}.

  • the language keys defined for the collection.

    • [fragment-name]/: a folder containing all of the files for a single Page Fragment.

      • fragment.json: a text file that describes a Page Fragment with the format

            "cssPath": "index.css",
            "configurationPath": "index.json",
            "htmlPath": "index.html",
            "jsPath": "index.js",
            "name": "<fragment-name>",
            "type": "<fragment-type>"

        Update the *Path properties in your fragment.json file if you change the names of your index.* files.

      • index.css: the CSS source for the fragment.

      • index.html: the HTML source for the fragment.

      • index.json: a JSON file that defines the fragment’s configuration.

      • index.js: the JavaScript source for the fragment.

      • thumbnail.png: the thumbnail that will display when the Fragment is displayed in a list.

    • [resources]/: a folder containing any additional images or other external files needed for the fragment.

A collection can contain any number of fragments, so you can have multiple subfolders in the collection. This format is the same as what’s exported from within Liferay. If you import a .zip file that is not organized like this, any fragments that are found will be imported into special collection called Imported which is created for orphaned fragments.

Fragment CLI

You can manage Fragment creation and deployment manually, or you can use Liferay’s Fragment CLI:

  1. Follow the project instructions to set up the Fragments Toolkit.

  2. Run yo liferay-fragments.

  3. Follow the prompts to create a fragment.

Now you will have the basic structure created, but there’s still more that the Fragments Toolkit can help you with.

Creating Collections

Before you can create any Page Fragments, you must create a Collection. You can learn more about Collections in the Creating Page Fragments section. Creating a Collection will create the base folder structure and some information about your Collection. To do this,

  1. From inside of your project, run npm run add-collection.

  2. Follow the prompts to name your Collection.

You can now create Page Fragments inside of this Collection.

Creating Fragments

A Page Fragment is made up of three primary files, index.html, index.css, and index.js. However, the files must be properly arranged in the folder structure and have the appropriate metadata to be imported onto your server. The Fragments Toolkit will create the files in the correct hierarchy with all of the necessary information.

  1. From inside of the Collection you created, run npm run add-fragment.

  2. Follow the prompts to add the necessary information about your Page Fragment.

Now the files are all created and you can edit them using your editor of choice.

Importing and Exporting Fragments

The Fragments Toolkit can connect to your currently running Liferay DXP to import and export fragments. You can even have fragments that you create with the toolkit imported into Liferay DXP automatically.

  • To get collections and fragments from a running server, run npm run export.

  • To send the collections and fragments from your current project to a running server, run npm run import. If your Fragment’s configuration JSON (if available) is invalid, the import fails and provides an error message.

  • To have collections and fragments automatically imported into Liferay DXP as they are created or modified, run npm run import:watch.

  • To preview how a fragment will look when it’s imported, run npm run preview. This renders a fragment on a specified Liferay server without importing it. When changes are made to the fragment while it’s previewed, changes are auto reloaded to rapidly display updates. Note, this is available for Liferay DXP 7.2 SP1+ and Liferay Portal 7.2 GA2+. You must install the OAuth 2 plugin in your portal instance for this command to work properly.

  • To create a .zip file that can be manually imported into Liferay DXP, run npm run compress.

With these tools at your disposal, you can more efficiently manage creating and editing Page Fragments with whatever tools and environments work best for you.

« Managing Fragments and CollectionsCreating a Contributed Fragment Collection »
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