Introduction to Segmentation and Personalization

Segments are groups of users that are defined by a specific criteria. You can use the metadata from the user or organization profile, context information derived from the user’s behavior, or some combination of the two to define that criteria. Alternatively, segments can be a static set of manually selected members.

In Liferay DXP 7.2, the creation of user segments and experience personalization are now part of the product’s core functionality. Up to Liferay DXP 7.1, this functionality was provided through the Audience Targeting application. In addition to the administration features of Segmentation and Personalization, developers can integrate and extend it.

Managing segments

The API to manage segments is provided by the com.liferay.segments.api module. The SegmentsEntryService provides the methods to perform permission aware operations on segments. You can use the provided tools to assign members to segments and to extend segment criteria.

The segmentsEntry criteria field determines the conditions that a user must meet to be assigned to the segment. A condition represents a combination of properties, operations, target values, and conjunctions. For example, a condition identifying Liferay Engineers for a Segment might look like this:

organization name EQUALS Liferay AND Job Title EQUALS Engineer

In the Segments UI, the segments criteria is built using the Segments Editor. The available properties are grouped by topic (e.g. User, Organization, Session). Technically, they are called a SegmentsCriteriaContributor, because they contribute conditions to the segments criteria.

You can see a number of common Segment management operations with example code in Segment Management.

Extending Segment Criteria

The default segment capabilities are robust enough to cover most use cases, and many types of third party integration can be performed without developing a code extension. Some cases, like retrieving an external segment or list can be be handled by using the REST API.

On the other hand, if you want to segment users based on a field provided from an external source (for example, the number of followers a user has on Instagram), you can contribute an indexable custom field to the User entity and query the value using the Expando API. Your new field is automatically available for its use as a profile-based criteria.

You must only develop a code extension if you must:

  • Add a custom session property. This is done through the RequestContextContributor.

  • Extend the criteria query with new queries, based either on existing model entities or in custom model entities. This is done through the SegmentsCriteriaContributor.


User and Organization properties are model-based properties. That means that the available criteria for users and organizations are based on the attributes for users and organizations defined by the entities model. Criteria for model-based entities can be extended by creating a Custom Field for the corresponding model. Session properties are context-based properties and can’t be extended through custom fields. To allow for user segmentation based on new context-based properties, like custom HTTP headers or attributes, you must develop an extension and deploy it in your Liferay DXP instance.

The default fields available for context-based segmentation can be found in the Context interface. Liferay generates a context instance with real-time information for every request. These are mostly obtained from the HttpServletRequest. The RequestContextContributor interface provides an extension point for adding a new context-based property to the Session panel in the Segments criteria editor and populating the segmentation context with the right value for that field.

The following service properties define a RequestContextContributor:

request.context.contributor.key: the unique key of the contributed field.

request.context.contributor.type: the contributor field type (boolean, date, double, integer, or string[default]).

The contribute method of the RequestContextContributor adds the custom field key-value pair to the context.

Figure 1: Learn more about a RequestContextContributor by viewing how its used.

Figure 1: Learn more about a `RequestContextContributor` by viewing how it's used.

To create a RequestContextContributor through the step by step process, see Creating a Request Context Contributor.


The SegmentsCriteriaContributor interface provides a mechanism to extend the segment criteria query. Each SegmentsCriteriaContributor contributes a sub-query (or criterion) and the conjunction (AND, OR) to build the complete criteria query that defines the segment. They also provide a list of Field elements to be shown in the Segment Editor UI, as depicted in the figure:

Figure 2: Learn more about a SegmentsCriteriaContributor by viewing how its used.

Figure 2: Learn more about a `SegmentsCriteriaContributor` by viewing how it's used.

The following service properties describe a SegmentsCriteriaContributor:

segments.criteria.contributor.key: the unique key that identifies the contributor. the entity type the contributor targets.

segments.criteria.contributor.priority: the order in which the fields and queries are contributed.

The UserOrganizationSegmentsCriteriaContributor is a good example of how a SegmentsCriteriaContributor works. It contributes new organization-related fields (Organization Properties) to the segments criteria editor, executes a query on the Organization based model, and finally contributes a subquery to the global user query (AND/OR the user belongs to the organizations found in the Organization model query). In summary, you can filter users based on aspects of a different but related entity, such as the organization.

To create a SegmentsCriteriaContributor through the step by step process, see Creating Segment Criteria Contributors.

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