Segment Management

There are a broad array of uses for Segments and ways that you can integrate them with your application. You’ll learn more about how to manage segments next.

Defining a Segment

This snippet defines a segment by retrieving @Reference objects from SegmentsCriteriaContributor and instantiating a new Criteria object. It then adds user criteria using the segmentsEntryService:

  • the user’s jobTitle is Developer AND
  • the user belongs to an Organization with a name that contains America
private void addSegmentWithCriteria() {
    Criteria criteria = new Criteria();

        criteria, "(jobTitle eq 'Developer')", Criteria.Conjunction.AND);
        criteria, "contains(name,'America')", Criteria.Conjunction.OR);

        "segment-key", nameMap, descriptionMap, true, CriteriaSerializer.serialize(criteria),
				    User.class.getName(), serviceContext);

@Reference(target = "(segments.criteria.contributor.key=organization)")
private SegmentsCriteriaContributor _organizationSegmentsCriteriaContributor;

@Reference(target = "(segments.criteria.contributor.key=user)")
private SegmentsCriteriaContributor _userSegmentsCriteriaContributor;

Manual Segment Member Assignments

To define manual user-segment member assignments with the SegmentsEntryRelService, use a snippet like this:

    segmentsEntryId, _portal.getClassNameId(User.class), userId, serviceContext)

This assigns a user identified by a userId to a segment identified by a segmentsEntryId:

Retrieving Segments

Segments and Segment Members can be retrieved programmatically. The code snippet below retrieves an ordered range of active segments for the User, within a site identified by a groupId.

List<SegmentsEntry> segmentsEntries = segmentsEntryService.getSegmentsEntries(groupId, true, User.class.getName(), 0, 10, orderByComparator);

Retrieving segment members

The local API to query computed segment-member associations is available in the com.liferay.segments.api module. The SegmentsEntryProvider service provides methods to obtain the entities associated to a segment, and the segments associated to an entity.

This snippet retrieves a range of primary keys of the entities associated to a segment identified by a segmentsEntryId:

long[] segmentsEntryClassPKs = segmentsEntryProvider.getSegmentsEntryClassPKs(segmentsEntryId, 0, 10);

To obtain the total count of entities associated to a segment, use the getSegmentsEntryClassPKsCount method, as shown in the following snippet:

int segmentsEntryClassPksCount =

The method getSegmentsEntryIds obtains the reverse association — the segments associated to a specific entity. For example, this snippet returns the segments associated to a user identified by a userId:

int segmentsEntryClassPksCount =
    segmentsEntryProvider.getSegmentsEntryIds(User.class.getName(), userId);

Great! You now know how to manage segments!

« Introduction to Segmentation and PersonalizationCreating a Request Context Contributor »
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