Categorizing the Configuration

By default, the configuration UI for your app is generated in System SettingsPlatformThird Party. You probably don’t really want it there; by categorizing your configuration you can place it somewhere intuitive and easy to find.

You have two options: 1) locate your configuration UI in an existing category and section, or 2) create your own.

Here are the default System Settings sections. All available categories are nested beneath these sections:

  1. Content and Data

  2. Platform

  3. Security

  4. Commerce

  5. Other

Specifying a Configuration Category

Specify the category for your UI by placing an @ExtendedObjectClassDefinition annotation in your configuration interface. This example, which appears right before the interface’s @Meta.OCD annotation, places the UI in the dynamic-data-mapping category in the Content management section:

    category = "dynamic-data-mapping",
    scope = ExtendedObjectClassDefinition.Scope.GROUP

This annotation does two things:

  • Specifies the dynamic-data-mapping category in the Content Management section.

  • Sets the scope of the configuration. You’ll learn more about this next.

The fully qualified class name of the @ExtendedObjectClassDefinition class is com.liferay.portal.configuration.metatype.annotations.ExtendedObjectClassDefinition.

Note: The infrastructure used by System Settings assumes the configurationPid is the same as the fully qualified class name of the interface. If they don’t match, it can’t provide any information through ExtendedObjectClassConfiguration.

The @ExtendedObjectClassDefinition annotation is distributed through the com.liferay.portal.configuration.metatype module, which you can configure as a dependency.

Creating New Sections and Categories

If you don’t like the default sections and categories, you can create your own by implementing the ConfigurationCategory interface.

Here’s code that creates the Content and Data section and the Dynamic Data Mapping category:

@Component(service = ConfigurationCategory.class)
public class DynamicDataMappingConfigurationCategory
	implements ConfigurationCategory {

	public String getCategoryIcon() {
		return _CATEGORY_ICON;

	public String getCategoryKey() {
		return _CATEGORY_KEY;

	public String getCategorySection() {

	private static final String _CATEGORY_ICON = "dynamic-data-mapping";

	private static final String _CATEGORY_KEY = "dynamic-data-mapping";

	private static final String _CATEGORY_SECTION = "content-and-data";


The getCategorySection method returns the String with the new section’s key. Similarly, getCategoryKey returns the key for the new category. Provide localized values for these keys in your module’s src/main/resources/content/ file.

Next you’ll specify the scope of your application’s configuration.

« Creating A Configuration InterfaceScoping Configurations »
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