When a form creator saves a form in the Liferay Forms application, the Form
object is serialized (converted) into JSON for storage in the Liferay DXP
database. That’s the default behavior; if you need the form in a different
format, you must write your own serialization and deserialization code. Why
would you want to do that? Maybe you think JSON storage is not secure, or you
have another tool that can consume the form if it’s in YAML. Whatever your
reasons, the form can be stored in any format as long as you write
a DDMFormSerializer
and its corresponding DDMFormDeserializer
with the
proper logic.
First consider what form data looks like by default, in JSON. A simple form, My
Form, with one text field, Full Name, is first created as a DDMForm
object, then serialized into JSON for storage in the Liferay DXP database when
"label":{"en_US":"Full Name"},
From its initial state as a DDMForm
Java object, the form is serialized into
JSON format, and upon retrieval from the database, it’s deserialized:
the JSON object representing the form is translated back into a DDMForm
object, with all its requisite fields. For example, the JSON for the above
example holds each form field in the fields
attribute. To translate
this back into the necessary DDMForm
object, first parse the data contained in
the JSON object into an actual form field using your deserialization logic.
Here’s the logic from DDMFormJsonDeserializer
that parses the JSON "fields"
element into a list of DDMFormFields
protected List<DDMFormField> getDDMFormFields(JSONArray jsonArray)
throws PortalException {
List<DDMFormField> ddmFormFields = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
DDMFormField ddmFormField = getDDMFormField(
return ddmFormFields;
Now calling DDMForm.setDDMFormFields(ddmFormFields)
in the deserializer
completes the translation process from the JSON array back to a DDMFormField
object that the DDMForm
If you’d like to store forms in a different format, provide custom serialization and deserialization functionality.