Screen Navigation Framework

The Screen Navigation Framework is for customizing and extending application UIs. You can use it to make Liferay’s applications your own and to make your applications customizable by others.

The framework uses a specific structure for screens and supports one or two levels of navigation. Each item in the top level navigation is a ScreenNavigationCategory. Each item in the second level is a ScreenNavigationEntry. Categories are usually represented by tabs, while entries use a second level of navigation. You need not have any Entries in your application, but you must have at least one Category.

Figure 1: The User Management application has three Screen Navigation Categories: General, Contact, and Preference; and each of those have a number of Screen Navigation Entries

Figure 1: The User Management application has three Screen Navigation Categories: General, Contact, and Preference; and each of those have a number of Screen Navigation Entries

The Screen structure normally renders Navigation Categories as horizontal tabs at the top of the page and Navigation Entries as a vertical list of items along the left side of the page. The screen box containing the content uses the rest of the screen. You can customize this default layout for your needs.

Figure 2: Many application only use Screen Navigation Categories for their functionality, and dont have Screen Navigation Entries. For Blogs, Entries and Images are Categories with no Entries.

Figure 2: Many application only use Screen Navigation Categories for their functionality, and don't have Screen Navigation Entries. For Blogs, Entries and Images are Categories with no Entries.

Using the Framework for Your Application

The Screen Navigation Framework comprises two parts: Java classes for your screens and a tag library for your front-end. To use Screen Navigation for your application, first you’ll create the necessary Java classes and then add the front-end support through JSPs.

Your ScreenNavigationCategory class must be a a component that implements the ScreenNavigationCategory interface with these methods:

getCategoryKey(): returns the category’s primary key.

getLabel(Locale locale): returns the label of the key.

getScreenNavigationKey(): returns the navigation key that the category belongs in, as defined in your application.

Your ScreenNavigationEntry class, similarly must be a component which implements ScreenNavigationEntry with the following methods:

getCategoryKey(): returns the category’s primary key.

getEntryKey(): returns the entry’s primary key.

getLabel(): returns the entries label.

getScreenNavigationKey(): returns the navigation key for the category of the current entry.

isVisible(User user, T screenModelBean): boolean for whether or not the entry should be visible for the current user.

render(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response): renders the entry. The render method is also where any logic for creating the configuration goes.

Adding Custom Screens to Liferay Applications

You can extend certain Liferay Applications with custom screens. Custom screens can add configuration for features you’ve developed and added to a Liferay application, integrating them seamlessly with the original application.

The parameters it needs are key, modelBean, and portletURL.

  • Key: a unique name for the navigation in this application.

  • modelBean: the model that is being rendered

  • portletURL: the portlet URL used to build the titles for each link.

In addition to these parameters, you must build the page that users will use for configuration, and connect it to your business logic through the render command.

« Integrating Display Pages into Content CreationUsing Screen Navigation for Your Application »
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