The Categories Administration application supports adding Custom Screens to provide additional options for editing a category. To demonstrate adding a new Screen Navigation Entry and Category, you’ll add one to Categories Administration.
Create a new Java class in the
module namedCategoryCustomScreenNavigationEntry
that implementsScreenNavigationCategory
. -
Add the following Component annotation above the class declaration:
@Component( property = { "screen.navigation.category.order:Integer=1", "screen.navigation.entry.order:Integer=1" }, service = {ScreenNavigationCategory.class, ScreenNavigationEntry.class} )
determine where in the navigation the items appear. Higher is first in the navigation.In the
declaration, declare it as defining aScreenNavigationCategory
, or both. -
For the class body, insert this code:
@Override public String getCategoryKey() { return "custom-screen"; } @Override public String getEntryKey() { return "custom-screen"; } @Override public String getLabel(Locale locale) { return LanguageUtil.get(locale, "custom-screen"); } @Override public String getScreenNavigationKey() { return AssetCategoriesConstants.CATEGORY_KEY_GENERAL; } @Override public void render(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { _jspRenderer.renderJSP(request, response, "/category/custom-screen.jsp"); } @Reference private JSPRenderer _jspRenderer;
Create a
in the/resources/META-INF/resources/category/
folder. -
At the top of your JSP class, insert the following scriptlet to use the Screen Navigation UI:
<% String redirect = ParamUtil.getString(request, "redirect", assetCategoriesDisplayContext.getEditCategoryRedirect()); long categoryId = ParamUtil.getLong(request, "categoryId"); AssetCategory category = AssetCategoryLocalServiceUtil.fetchCategory(categoryId); long parentCategoryId = BeanParamUtil.getLong(category, request, "parentCategoryId"); long vocabularyId = ParamUtil.getLong(request, "vocabularyId"); portletDisplay.setShowBackIcon(true); portletDisplay.setURLBack(redirect); renderResponse.setTitle(((category == null) ? LanguageUtil.get(request, "add-new-category") : category.getTitle(locale))); %>
Below that, insert the following tag:
<liferay-frontend:screen-navigation key= "<%= AssetCategoriesConstants.CATEGORY_KEY_GENERAL %>" modelBean="<%= category %>" portletURL="<%= portletURL %>" />
For the rest of the JSP, create your custom screen.
Now you can use that pattern to create additional screens for whatever you need.