Embedding Portlets in Themes by Entity Type and Action

In this article, you’ll learn how to declare an entity type and action in a custom theme, and you’ll create a module that finds the correct portlet to use based on those given parameters. Follow these steps:

  1. Insert a declaration where you want the portlet embedded. This declaration expects two parameters: the type of action and the class name of the entity type the portlet should handle. An example configuration is shown below:


    This example declares that the theme is requesting to view language entries. Liferay DXP determines which deployed portlet to use in this case by providing the portlet with the highest service ranking.

  2. The Portal is not yet configured to handle this request. You must create a module that can find the portlet that fits the theme’s request. Create a module.

  3. Create a unique package name in the module’s src directory, and create a new Java class in that package. To follow naming conventions, name the class based on the entity type and action type, followed by PortletProvider (e.g., SiteNavigationLanguageEntryViewPortletProvider). The class should extend the BasePortletProvider class and implement the appropriate portlet provider interface based on the action you chose in your theme (e.g., ViewPortletProvider, BrowsePortletProvider, etc.).

  4. Directly above the class’s declaration, insert the following annotation:

        immediate = true,
        property = {"model.class.name=CLASS_NAME"},
        service = INTERFACE.class

    The property element must match the entity type you specified in your theme declaration (e.g., com.liferay.portal.kernel.servlet.taglib.ui.LanguageEntry). Also, your service element should match the interface you’re implementing (e.g., ViewPortletProvider.class).

  5. Specify the methods you want to implement. Make sure to retrieve the portlet ID and page ID that should be provided when this service is called by your theme.

    A common use case is to implement the getPortletId() and getPlid(ThemeDisplay) methods. Below is an example configuration:

    public String getPortletName() {
      return SiteNavigationLanguagePortletKeys.SITE_NAVIGATION_LANGUAGE;
    public PortletURL getPortletURL(
        HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, Group group)
      throws PortalException {
      return PortletURLFactoryUtil.create(
        httpServletRequest, getPortletName(), PortletRequest.RENDER_PHASE);
     * @deprecated As of Judson (7.1.x)
    protected long getPlid(ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) throws PortalException {
      return themeDisplay.getPlid();

    This returns the portlet ID and the PLID, which is the ID that uniquely identifies a page used by your theme. By retrieving these, your theme will know which portlet to use, and which page to use it on.

  6. Generate the module’s JAR file and copy it to your app server’s osgi/modules/ folder. Once the module is installed and activated in your Portal’s service registry, your embedded portlet is available for use wherever your theme is used.

Awesome! You successfully requested a portlet based on the entity and action types required, and created and deployed a module that retrieves the portlet and embeds it in your theme.

« Embedding Portlets in ThemesEmbedding a Portlet by Portlet Name »
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