Creating a Request Context Contributor

To better understand the Request Context Contributor, you’ll explore how to create one. First, you’ll create the SampleRequestContentContributor class file, which contains the contribute method that contributes a new field to the context with a custom attribute. You can view the full project on Github.

  1. Create a new module.

  2. Inside the module, create a package named com.liferay.segments.context.extension.sample.internal.context.contributor

  3. Create a Java class named SampleRequestContentContributor.

  4. Inside the file, insert the @Component declaration:

        immediate = true,
        property = {
            "request.context.contributor.key=" + SampleRequestContextContributor.KEY,
        service = RequestContextContributor.class
  5. Add the class declaration:

    public class SampleRequestContextContributor
        implements RequestContextContributor {
  6. Create the attribute that you’re adding. In this case, it’s just a static string.

    public static final String KEY = "sample";
  7. Create the contribute method:

    public void contribute(
        Context context, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) {

To customize your field label or add a set of selectable options, you can add an optional SegmentsFieldCustomizer service associated to your contributed field by its key. Create one now.

  1. Inside the module, create a package named com.liferay.context.extension.sample.internal.field.customizer

  2. Create a Java class named SampleSegmentsFieldCustomizer.

  3. Inside the file, insert the @Component declaration:

        immediate = true,
        property = {
            "segments.field.customizer.key=" + SampleSegmentsFieldCustomizer.KEY,
        service = SegmentsFieldCustomizer.class
  4. Create the class declaration:

    public class SampleSegmentsFieldCustomizer implements SegmentsFieldCustomizer {
  5. Create the KEY value:

    public static final String KEY = "sample";
  6. Create the methods to provide a list of fields to be displayed when configuring the criteria.

    public List<String> getFieldNames() {
        return _fieldNames;
    public String getKey() {
        return KEY;
    public String getLabel(String fieldName, Locale locale) {
    		ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ResourceBundleUtil.getBundle(
            "content.Language", locale, getClass());
    		return LanguageUtil.get(resourceBundle, "sample-field-label");
    private static final List<String> _fieldNames = ListUtil.fromArray(
    		new String[] {"sample"});

Once you deploy your extensions, the session section of the segment criteria editor includes your new context-based field.

Figure 1: The sample field appears.

Figure 1: The sample field appears.

Great! You’ve created a Request Context Contributor!

« Segment ManagementCreating a Segment Criteria Contributor »
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