Converting Asset Publisher Configurations to Content Sets

In the previous two guides in this section, you’ve seen Creating Content Sets and Displaying Content Sets demonstrated. Next, try out converting an existing Asset Publisher configuration to a Content Set.

In this case, you have an Asset Publisher on a page, which is configured to display images tagged as trending in reverse alphabetical order by title. This might not be too hard to reproduce in the Content Set creator, but it’s even easier to create the Content Set definition directly from the Asset Publisher.

  1. Go to OptionsConfiguration for the Asset Publisher.

  2. Click Create a content set from this configuration.

    Figure 1: You can generate a Content Set directly from the Asset Publisher configuration.

    Figure 1: You can generate a Content Set directly from the Asset Publisher configuration.

  3. Enter the title and click Save.

And as quickly as that you have a new Content Set that you can use with Asset Publishers anywhere on the site.

Figure 2: The Content Set is added right alongside any existing sets.

Figure 2: The Content Set is added right alongside any existing sets.

Great! You converted your Asset Publisher configuration to a Content Set.

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